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4 Replies and 12862 Views Southwestern PA  12862  4 Started by I'm new to the area and was wondering if anyone has ever found gold south of Pittsburgh, or should I concentrate my efforts north of the city Not looking for specific locations. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
4 12862
by  Matt RiggleJump to last post
12 Jan 2015 04:03 PM
2 Replies and 6362 Views Mariposa slucing suggestions  6362  2 Started by Fellow gold hounds,  I am taking a trip to Los Banos CA with my family and would like to take a day to sluice and pan in the area.  Does anyone have suggestions with all the rain etc what would be a good day trip in or around Mariposa County  Any help would be greatly appreciated.    Cowboybrj81
2 6362
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
11 Jan 2015 06:36 PM
5 Replies and 6337 Views Douglas Creek Claim WY  6337  5 Started by Have not seen many posts on Douglas Creek Claim WY.  Likes---Dislikes Dino
5 6337
by  Clifford ParkerJump to last post
31 Dec 2014 05:41 PM
0 Replies and 3523 Views South Pass / Atlantic City  3523  0 Started by Going to plan a week trip over to that area.  There is a GPAA claim Carol Placer.  Anyone ever work this ground and how did you do.  Also wondering if I should be exploring other areas, there is so much BLM to cover around there.  Will have 5th wheel and ATV, hopefully there is a good camping spot near the claim.
0 3523
29 Dec 2014 09:46 AM
1 Replies and 6862 Views Cleanup  6862  1 Started by What is the proper way to roast black sands.
1 6862
by  MICHAEL BIBLERJump to last post
24 Dec 2014 05:40 PM
0 Replies and 5437 Views Our claim Gold seven  5437  0 Started by Any info on our gold skeye seven claim would be super helpful thanks
0 5437
23 Dec 2014 10:12 AM
1 Replies and 6054 Views Mariposa slucing suggestions  6054  1 Started by Fellow gold hounds,  I am taking a trip to Los Banos CA with my family and would like to take a day to sluice and pan in the area.  Does anyone have suggestions with all the rain etc what would be a good day trip in or around Mariposa County  Any help would be greatly appreciated.    Cowboybrj81
1 6054
by  AL LUCASJump to last post
21 Dec 2014 09:19 PM
0 Replies and 5379 Views metaldetecting in az,nm  5379  0 Started by Would like to know witch of our claims in NM,and Arizona would be best to metal detect for nuggets thanks all.
0 5379
21 Dec 2014 02:25 PM
11 Replies and 14728 Views Heading o Quartzsite AZ for 2 wks soon. Any suggestions?  14728  11 Started by I'll be tent camping, driving a jeep and drywashing. I might borrow a buddy's Garrett detector. Anyways, from what I've read you're not allowed to camp in the Quartzsite deserts. Your supposed to stay on BLM campgrounds and pay. Add to which they offer zero provisions like water/showers/etc.  Has anyone tent camped out there w/o issue I don't want to have to pack up and drive 10 miles to go to a campground every night. Maybe every few days I'll head into town for supplies and take a showe...
11 14728
by  DAVID KITCHENJump to last post
20 Dec 2014 05:59 PM
2 Replies and 6258 Views New to Southern Calofornia prospecting?  6258  2 Started by I'm new to the GPAA family, and also new to prospecting in the San Diego area. I have a M/D, and a lot of 'wet' prospecting gear. I have done quite a bit of prospecting up in the Sierras, dredging, sluicing, etc., but new to metal detecting. I have looked at the claims in the book I received, but would love some real world advice on where to go. I am retired, so have the time, I have a newer f-150, but no 4-WD. I don't mind traveling a bit, so anything in the southwest would be an option. I woul...
2 6258
by  DARREN MCKINNEYJump to last post
04 Dec 2014 05:58 PM
3 Replies and 6597 Views question  6597  3 Started by so im brand new to prospecting.  i went the holiday weekend down to the greaterville area in az.  ive found a couple gold flakes in my pan and that got me really happy.  so my question is, whats the best way to get all the very fine gold.  thanks.
3 6597
by  BRANDON JOHNSONJump to last post
03 Dec 2014 01:10 AM
3 Replies and 6138 Views finding members by name  6138  3 Started by so i met a GPAA member that i would like to go panning wit hin the future and he told me to look him up on here. i know his name but have searched for a way to find him by that and ... well, just cant figure that out. any help is appreciated. Don
3 6138
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
01 Dec 2014 07:25 AM
0 Replies and 3370 Views az claims of the i17  3370  0 Started by Hey just curious if anyone  been to these claims off the i17. Feel like digging in the dirt.
0 3370
30 Nov 2014 09:50 PM
1 Replies and 4409 Views rye patch claim?  4409  1 Started by Would like better directions for rye patch in Nevada the 2008 guide is sketchy going out on December 5 hope to get lucky with weather I know there is snow in the mountains but would like to try some detecting
1 4409
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
28 Nov 2014 07:46 PM
2 Replies and 5769 Views Gold Basin - First Time Drywashing - Need Pointers for Pay layers  5769  2 Started by Hello All,     I'm headed down to Arizona (from Colorado) for my first attempt at desert gold prospecting. I am thinking of Gold Basin for dry washing (as well as some meteorite hunting) and was hoping to glean some tips as to what to look for in that area regarding the gold bearing gravels. I've been reading (and watching) whatever I can about it, and know that the gold is found in the gravels on top of the caliche false bedrock, which typically is 1-5' thick. Ive read that some area...
2 5769
by  Jim WeidertJump to last post
26 Nov 2014 02:51 PM
8 Replies and 8616 Views New to sluicing need help  8616  8 Started by so i just started getting into prospecting and i went out and got a sluice i went to the creek found some good material to use but when i put it in the sluice the sluice just collects all the rocks and dirt nothing really gets washed out except for the gold that i can see floating away i saw on here bout the soap trick i might try that if anyone has some tips on that as well that would be helpful i just really want to know why my sluice isnt working idk if i dont have it angled right i use the h...
8 8616
by  BRANDON JOHNSONJump to last post
23 Nov 2014 09:47 PM
3 Replies and 7391 Views Buying consentraits  7391  3 Started by Being new to GPAA I had seen cons being sold in the mag, has anyone tried them and what kind of finds should I expect or are they a hit or mis any info would be greatly appreciated. Ed
3 7391
by  Clifford ParkerJump to last post
18 Nov 2014 07:53 PM
3 Replies and 4073 Views LDMA Outings  4073  3 Started by I'm a new member of the GPAA and currently looking into participating in a LDMA Outing in 2015. Being on the East coast of the U.S.A. it appears that Loudmine and Vein Mountain are the easiest to attend. I was wondering if anyone had any input as to which outing would be best as a first timer. Also is there any significant difference between the June Outings and the October Outings other than the weather Are there RV's available to rent at the camps or is it camp with what you bring T...
3 4073
by  Tim LeibelJump to last post
17 Nov 2014 05:00 PM
0 Replies and 3304 Views Coin Shooting  3304  0 Started by Not really a GPAA thing but I've been into doing some beach metal detecting lately. I have a Garrett AT Gold and it does good in the dry sand but anything near the wetness and it goes south REAL FAST. I knew that the Gold wasn't up for salt water like the Pro so nothing shocking. I spent 2 days at the beach and got little reward. Today I went to a local park and Scored. 37 pennies, 20 nickels, 20 quarters, 2 dollar coins, a silver ring, some foreign coins. Not like finding a nugget but it was pr...
0 3304
15 Nov 2014 10:02 PM
1 Replies and 6228 Views Ramona Ca's Warrior Claim  6228  1 Started by Took a drive up to Warrior today to check it out.. I didn't get there til about 1pm & with sundown at 430 ish I wasn't about to traverse into the canyons.  I'm gonna head back out there early in the morning, but from what I could see from atop, that is one hell of a potential. Right now it's a dried up riverbed that is in a DEEP canyon and runs for a couple of miles. The claim guide says that you can use a detector, dry washer, or even a sluice(I'm assuming when it rains. I certainly wo...
1 6228
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
12 Nov 2014 10:56 PM
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