Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Jan 2015 06:42 PM |
Hi, I live in Alabama and want to carry my two boys 13 and 10 on a vacation to operate my sluice box? Any Suggestions?
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
10 Jan 2015 08:22 PM |
The only GPAA claim on the East Coast is in Buchanan GA. I have heard good things about Alabama Gold Camp. My personal favorite areas are in North Carolina at Thermal City or Lucky Strike. And of course the LDMA outings are great family adventures at either Loud Mine or Vein Mountain.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
10 Jan 2015 09:08 PM |
Hey Phil, there is a GPAA claim in Alabama also. It is Curvins Cow Pasture, northwest of Delta,AL and southwest of Hollis Crossroads, AL. It is listed in the mining guide under GPAA lease sites. It costs nothing to go and prospect there, you just have to sign in like any GPAA claim. You can pan, sluice, highbank, and use up to a 4" dredge. I haven't been there yet, so I don't know anything about the camping. I think there is a discount for GPAA members. This is on Chulafinnee creek, a known gold producing area in the past. The address is 3483 county rd 3, Delta, AL. And besides the GPAA claim in Buchanan, GA, there is also a GPAA claim in SE Tenn, the Coker Creek claim. When are you thinking about going? Paul
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
11 Jan 2015 06:24 AM |
Oops, I missed the Curvin"s Cow Pasture in the book. I think because it comes across as a pay as you go listing to me. I of course know about Coker Creek and in my Yankee Mind considered that the Midwest. LOL. Anyways it is about the same drive as any of the other places I mentioned and has nice gold. If you wathc the first episode of Gold Trails on the GPAA website here, it is about Coker Creek. Paul is very knowledgable about mining and this area. I have learned a lot from him this past year. Look forward to running into you both this year.
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Jan 2015 05:23 PM |
Yes we have been to Buchanan a couple of times and the Alabama Gold Camp, actually went there today to pick up a panning kit and some concentrates for a birthday gift. I would like to venture out to NC to some of the others too! We have been thinking about heading out west...Arizona, Nevada, CA??? Any suggestions?
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
11 Jan 2015 05:31 PM |
Hey Paul,
Not really sure, just got the kids through Football and then Basketball, whew coached two teams this year and need some creek time myself. The kids and I went to AGC today and drove right through Delta...should have read your message earlier, would have been nice to check it out. I will get back with you on your other reply sir.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
11 Jan 2015 05:37 PM |
Phil, I would definitely consider doing an LDMA dig if you get a chance. I have had great luck in North Carolina. I am going to attempt to take 3-4 days and make a great circle through GA, SC, NC, Yn and Alabama on the way back and collect a few sample buckets, get GPS coordinates for those places with out them in the claims books and take a lot of pictures. I will post all the data when I get back. Probably mid February I think if the weather stays above freezing.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
11 Jan 2015 05:38 PM |
Hey Phil, I think we have met at Buchanan and saw each other at AGC, weren't you at AGC with your boys on that real windy day last spring when your fire at the cabin almost got out of control? I was in a white ford explorer in a cabin up the hill, and had my handmade viper unit running. If not then my mistake. Paul
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
12 Jan 2015 09:50 AM |
Yes. that was us sir...pleasure meeting you as well. hey it was a small fire...just a little windy ha...
I just wished the weather would clear and warm a little bit here in the SE, that's why I thought it would be great to head out west for an adventure.
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
12 Jan 2015 10:24 AM |
I know, I have been jonesing to get out. Can't wait for a little break in the weather. I went to Loud Mine in the third week of Nov, and the piles were partially frozen and had to wait till middle of the day to shovel material. Supposed to be in the 50's and sunny this Sat, thinking about heading to Curvins for a day trip to check it out. Will let you know if I am going to head that way. When I saw on your post that you had been to AGC and Buchanan, a light went on and I thought that might be you. By the way the first meeting of the SGMA is the 2nd Sat in March, it would be great if you and the boys can make it. There's going to be a speed panning contest (adult and youth contests), and cookout and raffle and stuff. I was elected Outings Coordinator for the chapter, hopefully we'll have a great 2015. Talk to you soon. Paul
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
13 Jan 2015 05:32 PM |
Please do, a few day trip through NC/SC/GA would be a nice get away. Ever had any luck around Pigeon Forge?
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
18 Jan 2015 07:15 PM |
Went to Curvins today...could have filled a 5 gal bucket with black sand but not a speck....maybe I am doing something wrong but I test panned about 50 holes and found nothing. Very confusing...
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
18 Jan 2015 10:10 PM |
Sounds like it is going to be a dredging claim. Only way to get to the bedrock.
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2015 05:31 AM |
Most places the bedrock is exposed or very shallow....even dug down to it several times in other locations scraping the bedrock. I'm going to run the cons today, .maybe it will surprise me.
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
19 Jan 2015 06:25 AM |
Now I am getting sort of disappointed. I was hoping it would be better than over in Georgia where the gold is almost all fine unless you dredge down to the bedrock. Then the guys seem to get some nice flakes and pickers. WIth all that exposed bedrock, Might get lucky with the metal detector and some crevicing tools. I am still going to get some GPS cords and pictures for the database. Also want to check out AGC since it is real close.
Dominic Ricci Basic Member Posts:185 
19 Jan 2015 09:08 AM |
Members helping Members! Thank you all for helping each other out. I'd like to see pictures as well. Share online or sent in so the Claims Department can review. We rely on Member Reports when they go to claims and leases.
The Outdoors are great . . . keep playing in the dirt!
Phil Williams Greenhorn Posts: 
19 Jan 2015 05:47 PM |
The kids and I do enjoy going to the AGC and thought about going but wanted to dig down one more time. I ran through some of the cons this morning and it was the same results. Kinda makes you feel like I am not doing something right but had so much black sand...I would like to hear from others who have gone to the site to see how they did. The owner was extremely nice and the facilities were wonderful catered to family fun and ease into the property and creek were awesome. Maybe I just lost my touch...
My son (12, sorry for the jerky video) shot this video and put it on can see how deep the shovel was (maybe 12-16") in the last hole and that was bedrock....and the creek in front of the box you could scrape maybe an inch down and solid.
Also...please let me know if you see anything wrong with my set up of my sluice, please.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
19 Jan 2015 07:18 PM |
When you are at agc see if anyone that knows Doc and see if he is there .Yes he owns gold hog mats .He can help if he is there testing .
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
19 Jan 2015 07:38 PM |
Hey Joseph. Doc and Gold Hog are located in north Ga around Dahlonega, most of his videos are made at Gold and Gem Grubbin near Cleveland, Ga, and other places around that area. AGC, the Alabama Gold Camp is in central Alabama. I don't think he's made any vids there or hangs out there very often. Some of the folks who run Gold Hog mats and equipment have met there in the past for a group dig though. Paul
Paul Straub Basic Member Posts:244 
02 Feb 2015 09:44 AM |
Hey all, finally made it to Curvins on Thur. Easy to find, nice place. If anyone wants directions let me know. Don’t know about the gold, got a late start, spent alot of time filming and only an hour in the creek. Nothing to show for it. There are crazy amounts of black sands in every shovel, some places it was just laying on top of gravel and sand bars. When you pull in drive towards the main building and take the road to the right down the hill, this goes to the creek and you can drive the whole distance of the creek. Watch out for cow pies and free range cattle. There is no sign in sheet that I could find, no one in office. called left a message, went to creek, owner called later, asked about sign in, he said he’s in and out and as long as you have a current card there’s no problem, so still don’t know if there’s a sign in sheet/box. There is a porta pottie down at the creek. Contrary to what the mining guide says, THERE IS NO CAMPING. The place is rented to groups only for gatherings/reunions/church groups etc. There is NO individual camping allowed. The claim is available 24/7 though. I posted the vid on you tube and will post it here also. The creek is down to exposed bedrock at a depth of 12-36”, pretty much on 60-75% of the length of the creek. (About a 1/4 mile the owner said) This stuff is swept clean except for pockets of gravel and sand, and a lot of cracks and fracturing. There is more gravel bars and deeper water at the beginning of the claim before you get to the bridge and road over the creek. There is a fence across the creek near where the road comes down the hill and then another about 1/4 mile away, these are the boundaries of the claim. Stay in the creek. Any way check out the vid here or on you tube. Paul