0 Replies and 1876 Views
Bedrock Nugget Shooting on the River 1876 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/TipZOxk54xU Last Winters Bomb Cyclone and Mother Nature cleared off a patch of Bedrock for us to Detect in our search for Placer Gold Nuggets. The weather wasn't the best as it rained off and on during our hunt but a short thirty minute hike and we were back at Gary's TwoToes Jeep warming up and getting a bit to eat. Sometimes it pays off to hike a little further and check new areas to see if anythings changed with the river after it's hit it's highest water le...
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1876 |
06 Dec 2023 02:55 PM |
3 Replies and 4579 Views
El Dorado / Placer County 4579 3
Started by goldenstatevp@gmail.com
Looking for others so I do not have to walk around the forest alone. I live in Shingle Springs and would be happy to drive.
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4579 |
by Steve Tuey 30 Nov 2023 10:42 AM |
0 Replies and 1518 Views
Detecting Placer Gold on the Yuba River 1518 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
Detecting Placer Gold on the Yuba River https://youtu.be/n9v1XoSv60g ( Copy and Paste link to view ) Me and Gary pack up the Jeep with all the gear to head up in the Sierra Nevadas ( Mother Lode ) to find some Placer Gold Nuggets on the Yuba River. Metal Detectors, Sluice boxes and all our hand tools for Gold Panning and Crevicing are packed in Garys Jeep Rubicon just waiting to get the call if we need th...
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1518 |
29 Nov 2023 01:23 PM |
2 Replies and 3124 Views
First Riffle Clogs on Sluice 3124 2
Started by gpsuser2018@gmail.com
I recently got a sluice box; it is my first time using one. For reference, I am using the Royal Manufacturing 30-inch compact sluice and classifying it down to 1/4 an inch. For some reason, the first riffle of my sluice box keeps clogging up while the rest of the riffles perform and act exactly as they should. When I was running it the other day I figured the other riffles would catch the gold even though the first riffle was clogged (they did) so I didn't mess around with it. But I would like t...
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3124 |
by William Hall 22 Nov 2023 04:07 PM |
5 Replies and 4157 Views
Tonopah Arizona area 4157 5
Started by prodrumernate@aol.com
while i have been looking through the forums and searching online. I have not found more exactly what im looking for (may not exist but im trying) and thats any areas south of i10 to go look around for gold.well really anything..gold,silver,copper,cinnabar,precious stones and gems but for now trying my luck at gold. i own protperty in tonopah az near palo verde power plant to give an idea to the area im looking at but would also like to know how to identify,test rock for different things espe...
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4157 |
by Kenneth Wilson 22 Nov 2023 12:54 PM |
0 Replies and 5848 Views
Junior Prospector Membership 5848 0
Started by jo.don2@verizon.net
I just received an email from the GPAA on the new JUNIOR PROSPECTOR MEMBERSHIP! I just wanted to shout out to all the members that visit this site and say, ' Now that is a wonderful idea to add to the future of the GPAA!' As I have always said the age group of the GPAA members are mature and seasoned adults like me. I am 54. But as many of us believe, 'we are on our way out in life, right' (chuckling as I am writing this post......lol) Heck, you all know what I mean......lol But all...
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5848 |
02 Nov 2023 05:40 PM |
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3274 |
by DON GREENO 16 Oct 2023 07:48 PM |
0 Replies and 1828 Views
Crevice Detecting Gold Nuggets 1828 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
The Bomb Cyclone that California Received this spring moved around and Redeposited some of the smaller Placer Gold. https://youtu.be/4ZuDVqjvWto We hope to find a pocket that Mother Nature left and maybe a patch of Bedrock that she cleared for us to Detect in our search for Placer Gold Nuggets. You couldn't beat the the weather and the water was nice also. The hike well that was another story make sure to take plenty of water for the not so short hike out of the Cany...
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1828 |
10 Oct 2023 11:04 AM |
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3636 |
by James West 09 Oct 2023 01:23 PM |
10 Replies and 5127 Views
California Clarification 5127 10
So do I understand it correctly that dredging is no more How about highbankers Anything else killed off prospecting related Jim
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5127 |
by BRIAN WILLIAMS 27 Sep 2023 05:28 PM |
3 Replies and 3152 Views
Claim markings 3152 3
Started by tad4646@yahoo.com
I went to a GPAA claim for the first time yesterday. ( NORTH FORK FALLS ) I was guessing it was directly across from the campground but I did not see any claim placards across or behind the campground.
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3152 |
by DON GREENO 11 Sep 2023 12:18 PM |
2 Replies and 2909 Views
3in Dryland dredge nozzle question 2909 2
Started by c.butters74@gmail.com
I'm new to dredging. Just bough a 3in dryland dredge nozzle from GBE Mandrel. When I run it in my highbanker with the keene pump (2in) supplying it, it blows out the nose of the nozzle. I'm wondering if it is a problem with the nozzle, or perhaps my highbanker being higher than the nozzle is the issue. (~3feet ish) I bring up the possibility of it being the gun, because when I look inside the gun at the jet itsself, its necked down to maybe 1/2' -3/4' max... And would assume it needed to be b...
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2909 |
by Benjamin Belfiglio 09 Sep 2023 02:02 PM |
1 Replies and 2886 Views
Permission 2886 1
Started by ahichihuahua@yahoo.com
I am interested in going to Swank West in Ohio. There is no contact information to ask permission. Do you just show up
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2886 |
by DON GREENO 07 Sep 2023 12:39 PM |
1 Replies and 2804 Views
Permission 2804 1
Started by ahichihuahua@yahoo.com
I am interested in going to Swank West in Ohio. There is no contact information to ask permission. Do you just show up
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2804 |
by DON GREENO 07 Sep 2023 12:39 PM |
0 Replies and 2159 Views
Prospectors Life Nugget Hunting a Pounded Patch 2159 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
Prospectors Life Nugget Hunting a Pounded Patch https://youtu.be/xJUyeU7OyAs On this Adventure I meet up with my Buddy ChrisRalph and his dad for a Gold Nugget hunt in an area that has been worked over pretty good can we find a Nugget or Two Chris Calls this area the Pounded Patch lots of Gold Nuggets have come out of the area but is it worked out Prospectors Life Nugget Hunting a Pounded Patch PL 002
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2159 |
22 Aug 2023 12:36 PM |
0 Replies and 1674 Views
Yuba River Gold Sniping 1674 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/aBrEjxBtVkk On this Prospecting Adventure we team up with the One and Only Mining Hawaiian and for the day I'm calling him the Sniping Hawaiian !!!! We start with a Surprise meeting with Ambrosha DeRaps check out the story about her Dad Tim DeRaps and the 5 plus pound Ambrosha Nugget . Now that we are all jacked up with stories of Gold Nuggets we hit the Yuba River to try our hard at Sniping for Placer Gold Nuggets !!! Fire up the Minelab SDC 2300 dont worry it's water ...
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1674 |
09 Aug 2023 10:30 AM |
0 Replies and 1809 Views
North Yuba Nugget Hunt Gold, Friendship, & Goodtimes 1809 0
Started by smithsgold@aol.com
https://youtu.be/wNfpLk4DJpc This year me and Gary did some crevicing in the Morning and Sniping after lunch and it paid off Nicely !!! Bedrock Bennett and Hugo joined us Sniping after lunch and we all found Gold !!! Me and Tim got upgraded to Silver this year LBPA !!!!! Thanks Brothers..... The tribe has gathered for another year at the Fifth annual North Yuba River Nugget Hunt . It was Hot but the River was refreshing as the Prospectors searched for those elusive Gold Nugge...
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1809 |
01 Aug 2023 01:33 PM |
7 Replies and 3228 Views
Anyone in Colorado want to get rich? Anyone have a sluice or experience w/fine gold? 3228 7
Started by apetrifiedworld@gmail.com
I've found a lot of gold and would like a partner to process the ore with. It's super concentrated, this ore is like nothing you've ever seen before. I have 1 ounce I've processed in under 40 hours. I only have a blue bowl a hammer and pan. Anyone around Here is a link to a slideshow--you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser. https://imgur.com/a/hVoSb0l
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3228 |
by Kevin Singel 24 Jul 2023 02:06 PM |
3 Replies and 4232 Views
Blue Bowl 4232 3
Started by a.minor@comcast.net
Not please with Blue Bowl. Seen numerous videos' and tried everything. Bowl failed to recover the fine gold. I have 30 pound of play dirt still in a bucket.
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4232 |
by Robert Wesley 14 Jul 2023 04:22 AM |
1 Replies and 2078 Views
Helena area 2078 1
Started by Copter1doc@yahoo.com
I live in the Helena, looking for someone to explore with, either detecting or sluicing.
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2078 |
by Troy Barney 11 Jul 2023 06:03 PM |