Last Post 05 Feb 2024 03:47 PM by  DON GREENO
Stamp mill fines
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05 Feb 2024 02:11 PM
    I have some stamp mill fines from Blackhawk, Colorado. After screening them, I ran a few scoops with my gold pan. I'm seeing some very fine gold as well as some dark gray material (not black sands) which is heavier than the gold. I was thinking galena (lead ore), but although lead is heavier than gold on the periodic table, galena is less dense. Any idea what the dark gray material is and any suggestions on how to separate it from the gold?

    Thanks for any information you provide.

    05 Feb 2024 02:32 PM
    GOLD is 2x's HEAVIER than Led - anything heavier than Gold is more than likely a Platinum Based element - there are 5 or so platinum metals ALL more valuable than gold - Save those cons for refinement later and mark your container. Good luck!!

    05 Feb 2024 03:47 PM
    thinking more about the stuff you are seeing, Mercury naturally attaches to Gold and will give it a greyish/silver-ish! look.
    but again, if it is that you can put those pieces in a pan and heat it. if it is mercury it will burn off and expose the gold. the problem is that Mercury puts off a toxic vapor so if you do this ( not recommended unless you have experience) do it outside with the most ventilation you can have - do not breath.
    for real fine gold a Retort is needed to separate gold from Mercury.

    just my thoughts. hope it helps you in some way

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