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5 Replies and 4847 Views Service Q's  4847  5 Started by I sent a request in to Dominic, and have not heard from him yet (3 days, but I figure he is up at Cripple River getting ready for the season.)  Then sent it to the information email in contact us for GPAA.  2 working days and not even the consideration of a reply that we are looking into it.   I requested a couple of 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 inch decals/stickers of the logo (crossed pick and shovel and pan) if available or a vector file of it if not so my sign maker can make me 2 12 x...
5 4847
by  ARTHUR WAUGHJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 10:23 AM
3 Replies and 10429 Views Not sure where to ask Is Tom Massie still owner of GPAA  10429  3 Started by Is tome still the GPAA owner what about LDMA I noticed the new site but done remember hearing about ownership change but did on another forum   If so is he still involved in anyway. What about the Gold Fever shows I know he sold the Outdoor Channel...
3 10429
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
07 Jun 2014 06:42 PM
2 Replies and 5793 Views Membership  5793  2 Started by Hello I just purchased a membership tonight, and I was curious can I go out to a gpaa claim this weekend even though I haven't received any of the gpaa equipment map,sticker hat etc. And if so are there any claims around phoenix someone can give me directions Ive got gold fever and I don't feel like driving to lynx creek this weekend! I just bought a fisher metal detector not the best one of course $, and I do have a small sluice box and gold pan!
2 5793
by  John HudsonJump to last post
06 Jun 2014 05:05 PM
1 Replies and 5273 Views Little Georgia claim in CO  5273  1 Started by Planning a trip to Colorado this summer and was wondering if the Little Georgia claim on the Animas river is a current GPAA claim.   Thanks Carl Cofone
1 5273
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
02 Jun 2014 07:21 AM
1 Replies and 4143 Views Trying to Identify  4143  1 Started by I found a exposed ledge that had this type of material and I am trying to identify with out yet going to an assay office. Well at least until I get more samples of other materials to make it worth the min. charge. It is very decomposed and I was thinking it might be ore containing silver sulfides. From what I been reading, there are many forms that silver can be locked into. I found this in the Pershing County, Nevada area that is know for silver mining. This piece I saved whole, ...
1 4143
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
31 May 2014 08:40 PM
8 Replies and 9242 Views camping / panning weekend trips  9242  8 Started by I am in the Bay Area and am trying to find some good places to go camping/panning for weekend trips
8 9242
by  Sheila WannJump to last post
31 May 2014 04:09 PM
3 Replies and 8965 Views Sluice box filling up quickly  8965  3 Started by I recently headed out for my first trip with a sluice box. I bought one that has a built in classifier in the neck. I noticed that my riffles were filling very quickly with pebbles. Do I need more water Do I need to ditch that classifier and use something smaller What could I be doing wrong   -Dave
3 8965
by  DALE BLANKENSHIPJump to last post
31 May 2014 03:33 PM
1 Replies and 5649 Views Black sand deposits  5649  1 Started by             I've dredged sand and pea gravel for road construction and have ran into black sand 'rivers' a few times over the years.  The 'rivers' have always been between 5-10 ft from the surface after removing the overburden.  I've worked 9 to15' dredges and left 5 to 10ft sheer face walls where Black Sand deposits can be viewed vertically.  We always pumped the material because we could not determine how far the 'Black Sand...
1 5649
by  ADAM HANEYJump to last post
29 May 2014 07:27 PM
1 Replies and 7854 Views 2014 alaskan gold prospecting  7854  1 Started by contact me if your interested in prospecting Alaskan gold in remote areas, I plan to prospect the entire summer of 2014, Thanks Bill
1 7854
by  PATRICK VARGAJump to last post
27 May 2014 07:57 AM
1 Replies and 6713 Views north idaho camping on forest service land  6713  1 Started by son and i have prospected in northern idaho but i was just wondering if it's legal to camp on forest service  and BLM land do we need a permit thanks folks for the help. maui                             
1 6713
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
13 May 2014 06:40 AM
4 Replies and 10268 Views plastic tub flanges  10268  4 Started by Hi my name is shawn jenkins. I visited the 2014 las vegas gold and treasure expo on april 26-27 An saw some venders selling aflange for the plastic tubs fo a 2 inch Pvc pipe to connect the tubs together. Can someone that was there get me the contact information on where I can get these
4 10268
by  MARK FRANKLINJump to last post
10 May 2014 10:34 PM
7 Replies and 8873 Views filling in holes  8873  7 Started by  MICHAEL BUCKMAN I have been a GPAA member for a year now and just extended my membership for 2 more years. I have only been to a couple of claims so far. One I found 4 grams on and a couple nice pickers. The other I managed around 10 different test pans all with zero gold so I left early. Anyway, I cant seem to wrap my mind around the idea of filling in holes. If all holes are filled back up, then how is anyone to know what has or hasn't been dug already Maybe I am not very politically correct on environmental...
7 8873
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
06 May 2014 06:38 AM
0 Replies and 5216 Views juneau gold panning  5216  0 Started by We will be visiting Juneau, AK on May 5 on a cruise, and my wife and I are looking for public gold panning sites. We have done the cruise gold panning, but we are interested in panning on our own. Does anyone have any ideas
0 5216
26 Apr 2014 12:39 PM
3 Replies and 11681 Views New to the site  11681  3 Started by The wife & I have been members of GPAA for several years now & we also belong to several other clubs. The wife is Mary and I go by Steve (Paul being my first name). We live in Hesperia, CA and spend most of our spare time prospecting. We use detectors most of the time but also dry wash. It looks like we are headed to Stanton this weekend & hope to meet some people out there. We have 3 sons, the oldest is 30 and the youngest is 18. We have a 2005 red Silverado 4WD and a 23' travel tra...
3 11681
by  JAMES PEACEJump to last post
24 Apr 2014 09:21 AM
8 Replies and 10965 Views LDMA  10965  8 Started by  TIMOTHY@NEWYORKGOLDANDGEM.COM Hello,  Im looking for some info on the LDMA but haven't been able to find a link. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
8 10965
by  TIMOTHY RHINEHARTJump to last post
08 Apr 2014 01:50 PM
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