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7 Replies and 2415 Views Kern County  2415  7 Started by Hello all, Been a member of GPAA for a while but never had much time to use my membership. I recently retired and am looking for people to meet up with for prospecting adventures / Day trips. I've always felt it safer with two or more people. My wife isn't interested. I'm interested in hitting claims as well as looking for new territory to explore and maybe find something to claim. More than willing to split a claim with a fellow prospector or two. Would make filing fees less harsh. Looking ...
7 2415
by  Ernie EspinozaJump to last post
22 Dec 2024 08:50 PM
2 Replies and 2276 Views California Traveling Prospector  2276  2 Started by Hey everyone, My name is Derek I am a traveling content creator in search of gold! My journey is winding and involves a lot of different states and a few different countries. Currently I am in California and I'm always looking to meet new people and friends so we can go look for some color together! I am in Fresno currently where I flew in at as I write this post. My current plan is I am headed towards Golden Eagle to camp out there for a duration and work the claim. I recently joined GPAA...
2 2276
by  Kevin WilkinsonJump to last post
23 Oct 2024 05:12 PM
0 Replies and 3171 Views San Diego - GOLD PROSPECTORS 1, 2 & WARRIOR Wed. June 19 or other time  3171  0 Started by Hello, I've been wanting to check out GOLD PROSPECTORS 1, 2 & WARRIOR for quite a while now and I have Wed. June 19 off (or can check it out at a later date). I'd like to go with someone though, for safety reasons. I hear it's quite a hike and there's rattlers out there. I'm not afraid of them, but if there's any sort of medical reason that happens, I'd like at least one other person there. Not to mention, the more people, the more chance of seeing some color. Even if I don't find any m...
0 3171
17 Jun 2024 01:46 PM
1 Replies and 1543 Views Looking to Partner - N Scottsdale AZ  1543  1 Started by Looking to partner with anyone interested in metal detecting in the desert, live in N Scottsdale but can travel - swing a Legend, drop me a note if interested, semi-retired and have a 4 x 4.
1 1543
by  Rodger JonesJump to last post
31 May 2024 10:02 PM
10 Replies and 6656 Views Northern Virginia Prospecting  6656  10 Started by Hi all. I just moved to Virginia, Culpeper County, and only just realized that I moved to the heart of Virginia gold country. I'm looking for some prospecting partners now for some weekend fun when the weather warms up a bit. There doesn't seem to be much GPAA activity here but it looks like we have a lot of potential. If your interested lets form a posse and git some gold.
10 6656
by  Vickie MooreJump to last post
16 Apr 2024 03:00 PM
3 Replies and 8650 Views Maryland and DC  8650  3 Started by If you are in the Maryland, DC, Northern Virginia or Southern Pennsylvania areas and looking to get out and prospect with a great group of people, send me a message or check out the Frederick/Mt. Airy Maryland GPAA Chapter.
3 8650
by  Vickie MooreJump to last post
16 Apr 2024 02:56 PM
5 Replies and 3508 Views San Diego and A Little Travel  3508  5 Started by I live in San Diego and have looked for fossils for many years. There aren't many places nearby to find fossils, so I decided to get into prospecting. I have many pans, a small sluice, and I just purchased a metal detector. I've always just gone by myself, because my wife is a city girl and doesn't like being outdoors for a long time, unless it's in the pool with drink in hand. Anyway... I contacted my local prospecting club, but they haven't been any help at all. I've contacted multiple...
5 3508
by  Sean BushJump to last post
21 Feb 2024 09:57 PM
0 Replies and 1867 Views Tucson area  1867  0 Started by Hello. My name is Ken. I caught gold fever while up in Alaska. I will be in Tucson until April. Looking to meet up with some people and do some panning. Able to meet up most any days and willing to go all over Arizona. Thanks
0 1867
25 Jan 2024 01:21 AM
2 Replies and 3870 Views Gold Prrospecors 1, 2, 4 and Warrior  3870  2 Started by Heading down to San Diego from 5-9 July to visit in-laws with the wife and I usually get ridiculously bored so I'm thinking of checking out one of the local claims. Is there anyone interested It's my first time at that claim, but I do plan on bringing gear, including a metal detector and possibly a sluice, if I can fit it in the wife's car. Let me know.
2 3870
by  Joel ThomsonJump to last post
10 Jan 2024 12:26 PM
4 Replies and 3813 Views prspecting  3813  4 Started by I am in Madera CA and i am looking for a prospecting parteners. I have equipement . let me know if interested. Weekend or week days . I am retired and in good shape.
4 3813
by  Erlindo OrtizJump to last post
07 Oct 2023 02:05 AM
4 Replies and 3270 Views Bay Area California  3270  4 Started by Hello all, I transit up and down the state of California regularly as a Retiree. I go regularly and would like to extend an invitation to any members who would care to join. I am an older gent but steady on my feet and a hard worker. My next trip will be day by day across 6/10 to 7/1 in the bay-area region of CA. This weekend I'll spend a few days hopping around claims in MARIPOSA County. Feel free to reach out at or my other partner at ely...
4 3270
by  BRIAN WILLIAMSJump to last post
17 Jun 2023 12:11 PM
0 Replies and 2515 Views Hard rock exploration Connecticut  2515  0 Started by If you do a quick internet search for gold and Connecticut you may come up with the deposit found in Cobalt, creeks around Satan’s Kingdom, Spruce Brook and the Salmon River for panning. If you dig deeper and search mindat, you may see that gold may be found in Trumbull. I’ve found a mineralized quartz vein that is easily accessible. Last week I drove through the Naugatuck Valley and found another mineralized vein. Upon searching the Connecticut geological maps, I found th...
0 2515
20 May 2023 06:02 PM
2 Replies and 3949 Views NE Washington  3949  2 Started by Looking for a mining partner for NE Washington. Day trips, week trips, camping. Have detector, pans, sluices, finish equip. New to the territory so lots to learn about where to safely go. JP
2 3949
by  Kenneth OlsonJump to last post
10 Mar 2023 11:02 PM
0 Replies and 2261 Views NE Washington  2261  0 Started by Looking for a mining partner for NE Washington. Day trips, week trips, camping. Have detector, pans, sluices, finish equip. New to the territory so lots to learn about where to safely go. JP
0 2261
04 Mar 2023 08:46 PM
0 Replies and 2295 Views Mississippi gold  2295  0 Started by There is one thing that all poor poverty ridden states have in common ! ( No gold or silver mines ) also thriving economic areas are usually south of the original mine areas , Just saying that’s where the $ go downhill . There is some beautiful creeks everywhere in Mississippi where we stay & play but never anyone panning . I know the geology was not in the cards for these areas ! I am just starting to prospect and really wish someone would buy trainloads of ore and dump in the creeks here...
0 2295
24 Feb 2023 07:51 PM
0 Replies and 2598 Views In Tucson.. Let me know if you want to meet up..  2598  0 Started by Thanks, Israel
0 2598
08 Feb 2023 12:33 PM
0 Replies and 2337 Views In Tucson.. Let me know if you want to meet up..  2337  0 Started by Thanks, Israel
0 2337
08 Feb 2023 12:33 PM
7 Replies and 3527 Views In Quartzsite. Let me know if you want to meet up.  3527  7 Started by
7 3527
by  Patrick PlevelJump to last post
18 Jan 2023 11:43 AM
10 Replies and 12967 Views SW Utah Area --- Desert Relic and Nugget Shooter  12967  10 Started by I live in Hurricane Utah and am out Desert Relic and Nugget Shooting every week. I do coin shoot every now and then too. Planning on going to the Gold Basin Arizona to do some 'real' Nugget Shooting soon. I would be interested in Hunts anywhere Between Vegas, Cedar City, Kanab or Gold Basin Arizona area.
10 12967
by  Lorin VargasJump to last post
12 Sep 2022 09:20 PM
0 Replies and 2072 Views gpaa groups  2072  0 Started by Are there any gpaa groups near Meadview in Mohave county az
0 2072
26 Jun 2022 06:17 AM
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