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Similar to Lucky Buck - gold throughout the claim

15 1
Kevin Bell
Step 1 of 1

Good gold is found throughout the claim. Dig in flood material on either side of the stream. There is also gold in the old tailing piles located on claim. You can also find gold in the old stream bed.

Since this is material deposited during winter floods you need to dig down through the light material until you begin to see cobble and rocks. Test frequently as you process material to make sure you are still finding gold.


Fine gold

6 0
Shawn Melton
Step 1 of 2

Very slow water flow with dry patches. I could pan but not sluice. Imagine it will just be pools of water before long. Creek is lush and overgrown and no trails I could see.


specs/flakes found

4 0
Robert Edwards
Step 1 of 1

at this time there was basically no water, couple of ponds that will be dry soon, lots of skeetos.
panned about 10 pans from various locations and depths, found a flake, or specs in half the pans, not much, but not skunked like many other claims... setting up a sluice when the water is flowing might be fun.


Prospecting meetup with Kevin Hoagland

3 0
Cris Knight
Step 1 of 1

Attended the meetup with Kevin Hoagland and Kevin Bell. Most found a little bit of gold.

Hard digging in the old streambed. Did not find much gold in the water, but there was some here and there. I'd recommend hitting the porta loos in Groveland before driving down to the claim. Go past the big open field on the right and keep going about .4 more miles to the campground parking lot and then walk south to the claim.

Bring heavy duty digging tools! It's really compacted in. Water was running really well as of April 22.


Will be my first visit to a GPAA claim

3 3
Tom Riley
Step 1 of 1

Planning on making this my first time out to a GPAA claim since becoming a member. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will also be bringing detectors and a small sluice.