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6 Replies and 10467 Views The Elusive 'Kevin' Claim  10467  6 Started by After a few couple of trips trying to get to this claim we finally made it. USFS signs are broken my cars GPS readings were off. We ran into a gate, closed for Mine Reclamation of the Jack Waite Mine Site.  I checked my phone for a bearing with the compass app and found out that it had coordinates on it after we had left on Sunday and came back on Tuesday only to find out that we were on the claim 2 days before but didn't know it.  About 1 1/4 mile hike to the claim from the gate....
6 10467
by  John DykstraJump to last post
21 Apr 2015 07:55 PM
6 Replies and 11549 Views BAUTISTA PLACER Hemet, Ca  11549  6 Started by This was a great place for flake, specks and gold dust.. Had a great time with fellow member James 'Dudley' Slay. Also a found and Native Indian mill stone for acorns. 
6 11549
by  RANDY WITHAMJump to last post
21 Apr 2015 06:09 AM
5 Replies and 12934 Views Upcoming Gold Prospecting Trip to Alabama Gold Camp  12934  5 Started by Claudia and I have set our dates for our next Gold Prospecting Trip to Alabama Gold Camp. We will be there May 15th thru 23rd, 2015. On Saturday May 16th  an Alabama Chapter of The GPAA will be hold it's monthly common and all are welcome to join in with this great group of people for some prospecting fun. Claudia and I will be there the following week as well to try and find that elusive gold.  We will be using our Used Gold Hog Stackable unit that I just updated with the 2.0 Ski...
5 12934
by  MICHAEL JUDDJump to last post
29 Mar 2015 02:04 PM
4 Replies and 11079 Views Did I wander off of our claim? Lost Dredge  11079  4 Started by     I would think that if there was an actual gold mine on a claim, more people would have talked about it.   Did we wander off of the Lost Dredge claim   We found the actual mine that fed the old trommel that I shared in the last video.  Does anyone know if this mine is actaully on our Lost Dredge claim or did we wander off too far   We did not prospect here because we weren't not sure if it belonged to someone else, but if it i...
4 11079
by  RONALD PETERSONJump to last post
16 Oct 2014 02:55 PM
0 Replies and 4396 Views Ohio Gold Rush Days  4396  0 Started by Hosted by the Buckeye Chapter of the GPAA here in Ohio..great event..good people! 
0 4396
01 Sep 2014 09:42 PM
1 Replies and 8924 Views Sunday Ohio Gold  8924  1 Started by Here is the best of 2 videos from Sunday..first one I was panning and didn't find nadda..but if ya wanna see it anyway its part 1 on my video page Or the good stuff =
1 8924
by  JAMES PEACEJump to last post
28 Aug 2014 02:11 PM
6 Replies and 10767 Views 2114 Alaska Gold Expedition WOW!!!!!!!!  10767  6 Started by      I took the chance and went this year to Cripple River Gold Mining Camp outside of Nome.. I am so happy that I went for 2 weeks with my 57th birthday right in the middle. From the time I got off the plane I was around some great people that proved invaluable during my adventure.      My first week stayed abit wet with Rain and a bit of wind, The crew at the camp stayed on top of things and there was plenty to keep me busy. A trip into Nome was Great f...
6 10767
by  NICOLE MCCLEAFJump to last post
04 Aug 2014 08:25 AM
0 Replies and 4755 Views Idaho claims  4755  0 Started by I am headed to featherville for a week long camp trip with family. I noticed couple gpaa claims there does anybody have any advice for me
0 4755
27 Jul 2014 06:05 PM
1 Replies and 8748 Views Conglomerates  8748  1 Started by I find these clusters from time to time working in a specific area, I have never seen these before and others that have been on this property for years claim to never have seen before.    
1 8748
by  DALE BLANKENSHIPJump to last post
22 Jul 2014 06:52 AM
0 Replies and 3963 Views South Dakota claims, new and need advise  3963  0 Started by Hello.    I am new to all of this, I have watched Gold Fever on TV for many years.     I finally got the time and my family on board to try my hand. I joined GPAA and am waiting to get the claims guide in the mail.    We are planning a trip to South Dakota , leaving on Tuesday (4 days away), I ordered a in stream slues box and pans. Can somebody give me advise which claim to go to for a one day try    Is a slues and pans enough       I...
0 3963
18 Jul 2014 09:20 AM
1 Replies and 6068 Views Visiting South Dakota  6068  1 Started by Just to a little FYI to our visitors.  We have a abundant of wildlife here but all the people I've met in the last few years didn't know that we do have Mountain Lions here in the Black Hills.. They normally stay out sight and try to avoid people. Just be aware of your surroundings        
1 6068
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
14 Jun 2014 10:24 AM
5 Replies and 8454 Views how?  8454  5 Started by So how do we post pics dont see any upload button
5 8454
by  FRANK NOVAKJump to last post
09 Jun 2014 05:40 PM
4 Replies and 9048 Views Beginning building my gold cleanup room  9048  4 Started by I didn't really get to get out this weekend so I thought I would focus attention on things needing done around the house. I really needed to get my clean-up station out of the living room...  I spent the last couple days getting this room completely cleaned out and now rebuilding it today to be my cleanup room. I have an Angus MacKirk Predator 3 in the blue tub that I still have to frame up with pvc above the tub and some shelves to put up as well.    ‎6‎/‎1‎/...
4 9048
by  JAMES PEACEJump to last post
06 Jun 2014 08:15 AM
14 Replies and 12775 Views Nancy's Gold  12775  14 Started by  MICHAEL BUCKMAN Ok people. I just went on a 4 day trip to the 'Nancy's Gold' claim in Placer county. This claim is spectacular and screams of nuggets!. There is exposed bedrock, boulders galore and high above the north edge of the claim there is another claim with an ancient riverbed of virgin ground. I saw this bench just as we were about to leave the claim after the four days. We inspected the bench and the material was highly compact, bright orange and this particular part of the bench had a clear...
14 12775
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
03 Jun 2014 08:53 PM
7 Replies and 10884 Views Prospecting outside Barstow, California  10884  7 Started by
7 10884
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
03 Jun 2014 07:46 PM
5 Replies and 7260 Views A couple Az. nuggets  7260  5 Started by Just thought I'd post a couple pics of recent nuggets found by myself here in central Az. while out metal detecting. Not going to reflect the whole story this late at night but I will say they were both found with a Minelab SD2100-V2. The largest 10.9 gram beauty with a 8'' mono coil, and the smaller 2.1 gram corn flake nugget with a 9''x14'' NF elliptical mono. Now let me see if I can get the pics to post. Dennis
5 7260
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
03 Jun 2014 07:33 PM
2 Replies and 8181 Views Arkansas River Snow Melt/Flooding Pics -- 31 May 14  8181  2 Started by Hey GPAA Gold Prospectors... Well, finally snow melt is in full swing here in 'High' Colorado...  We had a HUGE snow pack this winter....about 135 to 160 of average annual snowfall here in the upper Arkansas River valley when all was said and done.  This winter was one of the worst in the last 6 to 8 years here, based on an early start to freezing, all the snowfall, the subzero temps we had and such... Now, we're getting a real good melt up in the higher elevations from all the 13e...
2 8181
by  LEO LORENZJump to last post
03 Jun 2014 06:34 PM
2 Replies and 7174 Views 1ST GPAA Claim Prospectt  7174  2 Started by Yesterday I took my son to the Just for Fun claim near Twaine Harte.  When we got there, I walked up the creek from where we parked to get an idea of where to start.  The creek was different than what I was used to.  As I looked around, I could see layers on the banks as well as in the creek itself where others had worked.  So I picked a spot and dug a sample pan from the material on the bank.  I panned it out, skunk.   So I dug a little deeper for another pan, skun...
2 7174
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
25 May 2014 08:06 PM
0 Replies and 4052 Views Fly By Night Mining Adventures season 2 episode 3  4052  0 Started by
0 4052
24 May 2014 08:37 PM
1 Replies and 8123 Views NC Trip  8123  1 Started by
1 8123
by  DOMINIC RICCIJump to last post
22 May 2014 10:02 AM
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