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2 Replies and 15267 Views south carolina  15267  2 Started by  raklineplumbing   I have access to several streams in the Greenville county area of s.c . it is all private property. my question is can I use my 2''  highbanker dredge on these areas, or do I have to deal with permits, any ideas greatly appreciated .    
2 15267
by  freddie beckJump to last post
22 Nov 2017 12:05 AM
15 Replies and 31419 Views Dry washers, losing gold  31419  15 Started by   I got a Gold Duster dry washer that I bought used a few years ago. I'm getting ready for my gold trip and bought some bags of dirt at the Gold Show. I ran them in my dry washer and then panned the tailings and found some big flakes. What I'm I doing wrong I'm digging dirt on a mountain and classify it down to 1/4 inch and pack it down to the river and run it in my high banker. I was hoping to use the dry washer on the mountain to save me some trips up and down the mountain.  I...
15 31419
by  ROBERT MARTINEZJump to last post
14 Nov 2017 12:02 PM
11 Replies and 19987 Views Sensitivity or Gain on your detector  19987  11 Started by   Hi All, Nugget Shooter's tip for today involves setting up your detector's Gain or Sensitivity.... First to those familiar with CB Radios TX Gain is more power out and RX Gain is receive, so this said all metal detectors currently used for the most part are VLF or PI and even ZVT, but all are ruled by their RF function in that if not set properly you will miss targets. So how do you set it up     Quick and simple with PI air tune to eliminate EMI and ground balance in...
11 19987
by  ROBERT MARTINEZJump to last post
12 Nov 2017 01:45 PM
2 Replies and 14275 Views High banker build just became a longtom  14275  2 Started by Was losing gold so added 5 more feet of gold hog Matt's that should catch the all the fine gold
2 14275
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
10 Oct 2017 04:13 PM
1 Replies and 25854 Views san faranda miners page  25854  1 Started by looking for veterans handicapped like me we can help are selves
1 25854
by  WILLIAM HALLJump to last post
21 Aug 2017 05:07 PM
10 Replies and 36218 Views Mining Guide ?  36218  10 Started by Why doesn't the on line mining guide have a map of the area showing the location The old guide did. The map showed the topography of the area which was very useful.
10 36218
by  WALTER EASONJump to last post
10 Aug 2017 06:16 PM
14 Replies and 14518 Views Alluvial Fan tips...?  14518  14 Started by It seems like the majority of available claims are of the alluvial fan types.  Does anybody have any prospecting tips for these particular areas  It is not like there are geological markers that are easier to follow. I am getting tired of prospecting and finding nothing but sand and sweat in these areas.  I am just curious if anybody out here has any tips that might help me be a little better with my prospecting.  I am not afraid of doing the labor involved to get that gold...
14 14518
by  Larry SugdenJump to last post
09 Apr 2017 09:35 AM
12 Replies and 15898 Views Static in vial  15898  12 Started by I have a little flour gold in a plastic vial and static causes it to stick to the sides. Any way to get rid of the static other than using a glass vial
12 15898
by  Larry SugdenJump to last post
05 Apr 2017 05:12 PM
1 Replies and 9344 Views Join us LIVE Friday nights on Facebook.  9344  1 Started by  Mike Primer We'll be doing a live Facebook show on Friday nights 8-9pm est.  There are giveaways and gold talk.  Hope to see you there.  Here's the promo video for it.   Doc
1 9344
by  Kevin DeWolfJump to last post
01 Apr 2017 08:25 AM
26 Replies and 21591 Views pulse 6X  21591  26 Started by
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 Has anybody ever used the pulse 6X with any success
26 21591
by  Terrance CieszkiJump to last post
27 Mar 2017 08:24 PM
2 Replies and 12096 Views DIY Bazooka gold trap stand..  12096  2 Started by In the past I have had issues with setting up the Bazooka in the river. I thought there has to be an easier way. I looked online and figured that I would make a stand myself. I could drive the stakes into the river, adjust the height and angle if needed. The bungee cords hold down the Bazooka and it wont float off. I think I went over board with the wire and drilling the screws and sliding lock pieces. At least I wont lose the parts to the river. I am open to new ideas. You can use my ideas and ...
2 12096
by  JON STEINERJump to last post
07 Mar 2017 06:38 PM
2 Replies and 10041 Views New use for Gold for joints, drill bits and armour plating !  10041  2 Started by Can the uses of Gold get any better than making new jewelry trinkets or used as a corrosion resistant plating for circuit boards or as a infrared radiation heat shield on astronaut helmets Rice University has discovered a new alloy made of Gold and Titanium that is 4X stronger than most steel alloys. The researchers say the alloy sample pretty much destroyed a diamond pestle and mortar used to crush the sample for testing in a spectrum analyzer. The addition of Gold to Titanium makes an...
2 10041
by  WILLIAM SOUTHERNJump to last post
03 Jan 2017 04:56 PM
4 Replies and 13400 Views awesome wbsite  13400  4 Started by here is one of the best websites for land status info and research. Make sure to turn on the overlays until your zoomed in on an area. It slows the map loading other wise. Claim info is updated twice a month. if you are aware of the 'footprints' software this site is owned by the same person. Learn to use the info button and more info is at your fingertips on one site than many others combined.
4 13400
by  tom glennJump to last post
01 Dec 2016 10:50 AM
3 Replies and 12963 Views New LDMA General Forum  12963  3 Started by I would like to propose a new general LDMA Members Update Forum that all the LDMA  members and caretakers that can post updates for camp phone, address, rules, events, discuss issues, etc.  Another idea is a menu option for LDMA members to at least be able to view the LDMA camp current information.  I know there are individual forums for each camp, but I think a general LDMA Forum for discussing LDMA properties, events, or issues would be beneficial to all.  
3 12963
by  E. JIM/PAM HANEYJump to last post
04 Nov 2016 08:23 AM
1 Replies and 10426 Views What's With That Name ?  10426  1 Started by      Something that is often overlooked is the names on maps and how they can help the prospector to locate likely areas to hunt.  A good example of this is the colorful and strange names the 49ers gave to towns, ravines, creeks, streams, hills, and mountains where they hunted for gold.  Also some of these place names have been renamed several times over the years.      One area that I hunted, I had with me an old 1890s map, a 1950s 15-min. topo map,...
1 10426
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
21 Oct 2016 11:37 AM
21 Replies and 21699 Views Folding Sluice Box Classifier  21699  21 Started by
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    Hi everybody,     I made a cheap inexpensive classifier for a folding sluice box. It's made from a $3 IKEA strainer and a Dollar Store strainer with Home Depot plexi-glass, and Epoxy.     The main reason I did this is because the folding sluice box's load up with 1/2' rocks and they stay loaded up. So 1/4' or smaller is best. My classifier is in the water so it rinses all the rocks and materials. The first grate (Grizzly) puts the bigger rocks in t...
21 21699
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
21 Oct 2016 09:09 AM
26 Replies and 31098 Views Gold mining bucket tip  31098  26 Started by
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 If you've carried a bucket full of Gold mining tools very far, like four miles up a river, then you'll like this bucket tip. A snappy grip & a closet rod bracket bolted onto the bucket to carry the Gold pan & a classifier. And in the bucket are the usual tools...small blue pan, rock hammer, crevice tool, scooper, paint brush, black sand magnet, sucker bottle, pouch with viles & tweezers, etc..     Stumbletown Miner
26 31098
by  Benjamin CrainJump to last post
07 Sep 2016 04:31 PM
7 Replies and 16086 Views USFS Roads  16086  7 Started by If you are using USFS roads, go to any office of the National Forest you are in and get a copy of the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM).  These are free, so no excuse to not have them in the rig, and for each Forest you visit.  This will show the road system that is open for motorized travel.   It is up to the user to know where they are and if the route they are on is open for use.  They are not required to post routes as open, as the policy now is 'closed unless posted opn', ...
7 16086
by  JON STEINERJump to last post
04 Sep 2016 10:47 PM
5 Replies and 16029 Views T- 80 pump useing a wr brown speedy compresser  16029  5 Started by Can you use a speedy wr brown compresser for under water dredge diving it is a paint compresser  what I have heard it is the same as the t-80 compresser  it is oil less  the breather is on top the t-80 is on the side which makes for cooler air no bearing heat like the t-80 .
5 16029
by  GARY SCHWALLJump to last post
01 Sep 2016 07:40 PM
9 Replies and 13666 Views Prospecting equipment?  13666  9 Started by So, I have a pair of Garret pans, (14' and 10') Classifyers at 1/4', 1/8', 1/16' and a screen colander. I had a 1/2' one but I left it back in Texas. Might have to have sis' mail it to me. Also have a good heavy rock hammer/pick, a set of 3 heavy cold chisels, a set of 10 smaller masonry chisels and punches, a gold snuffer bottle, a few plastic pasture pipettes I scored from an essential oil seller (these are really nice for picking up the fine gold out of the pan and transferring it directly in...
9 13666
by  myrton woolenJump to last post
12 Aug 2016 02:30 PM
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