go the back way — 2x4
Step 1 of 1
go the back way — 2x4
don't use the 138 they won't let you cross the railroad tracks so take the rancho exit at the top of the pass and go in the back way should only be about 19 min from rancho exit. map link: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/34.3830046,-117.415111/34.3362586,-117.4159211/@34.3582917,-117.4031083,5999m/am=t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e0
hopefully this is helpful.
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Enter from Ranchero Rd off of Mariposa — 2x4
Step 1 of 8
Enter from Ranchero Rd off of Mariposa — 2x4
This is the entrance off of Ranchero Rd, it use to be barricaded, so this is where I entered.
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Video to The Claim off of Ranchero Rd — 2x4
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Video to The Claim off of Ranchero Rd — 2x4
Here's a video i quickly put together for a visual guide into the claim and what to expect.
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2 roads to watch out for — 2x4
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2 roads to watch out for — 2x4
Google took me to the center claim marker as per the online guide with no problem. all the roads were 2 wheel drive but 2 spots. even a good 4 wheeler may have trouble but if you come to those spots just back track and take the good road they all come together and Google will re route with no problem. parking is limited to the Curves in the road and open up to the ravines of the hills behind. it will make sense when you drive and get there.
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Step 1 of 1
Crystal Claim — 2x4
From Mariposa at the 15 Frwy Heading East take Ranchero Rd East to the R/R work road along the West side of tracks at Ranchero Rd (turning Right) and follow it all the way to the claim. Note: At Tower Rd they have installed a crossing and the road goes right ...you need to turn a quick left onto Tower Rd and go down to the tracks again and turn right which puts you next to the tracks again (do not cross Tower Rd) stay next to the tracks all the way to the claim. Approx. Total Mileage 4.2 Miles Note again: On the right side of road the Claims Marker was laid against the entrance hill approx. 5 ft off the ground ( not staked and may have fallen down). GPAA/LDMA /AuMP Joan Eagan E-mail jbe382008@hotmail.com 9.29.2017 Ref: SE Corner 34 20' 10.526 'N 117 24' 41.736 'W At This time there is NO Post Marker for the Crystal Claim because of previous fire, but Valley Prospectors Metal Post Marker is on the right approx. half way up the slope and is butt to the Crystal Claim SE Corner and the SW Corner of the Billy Gruff.
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