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Sunstone Public Collection Area

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A walk in the desert

6 0
Daniel Corp
Step 1 of 1

Fun place. Bring your own water. It's a huge area. Several square miles. I found several nice stones. Including two thumb sized watermelon sunstone. You have to get away from the road where it gets picked over. There is also some hardrock mining in the draws. Break some of the larger lava boulders. They can have stones in them. I found several nice stones that way several years ago, at the sun devil mine next to the claim. Which is another fun option. There is a couple of pay to dig mines right next door. Both opperated buy nice folks. Fair prices. But the better the stone you find the more it costs. I found a stone that cost me $85 paid $150 to have it cut. Sold it for $1600!! I broke a lave boulder that was about the size of a medium to basket ball. It had a crystal pocket a little larger than a golf ball. It had several nice fingernail sized clears. Most of the Crystal's are crushed when the lava cools around them. Looks like a pocket of broken glass. But they have the occasional larger piece. An older fellow found a piece the day before, that another fellow bought it off him for $2500. And that fellow still had to buy it from the claim owners. Good luck. Oh be careful of the Jack rabbits in that area. Some of them have a blood born disease and should not be handled. It was introduced way back in the day in an attempt to eradicate them from the frame lands.