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Eureka — 2x4

18 0
Step 1 of 1

1 mile South of the town of Riggins turn East up the Main Salmon River Road (Big Salmon). Drive 11 miles to Allison Creek, take a left on the 221.
Drive 15 miles up to Little Slate Saddle (Crossing), stay LEFT on the 221. (If you go straight, the road actually turns into the 394 and is the long way around, even though the sign reads, "Florence.")
Drive 11 miles and turn RIGHT at the 394
Continue 3 miles to the Florence Dredge Ponds. Sand creek joins Meadow Creek and dumps over the hill. Eureka is 100 feet from road 394 and continues down the creek 660 feet.


Eureka Prospect — 2x4

9 1
William Robinson
Step 1 of 2

I arrived at this claim on 10/6/19. Water levels were fairly low which allowed one to get to both side of the creek with just rubber boots. Conditions were really cold ground and water was frozen on the surface. This was my first time prospecting a GPAA claim, I found a spot that other prospectors have dug into and decided to start shoveling and panning material adjacent to other holes. Each pan had 1-6 tiny flecks of gold (total of 6 pans before my feet were starting to freeze). I used a Gold Bug 2 to detect in some spots but only found iron remnants from previous work. From the looks of it the creek has been worked at the stream level, but when things warm up I plan on checking out the hill sides and digging down deeper around larger boulders.