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Ask Kevin (GPM July/August 2020)

Ask Kevin (GPM July/August 2020)

Members turn to Kevin for some common questions and not-so complicated answers.

Sunday, July 26, 2020   •   Views: (5372)

Where's the Gold: Prospecting with a Metal Detector

Where's the Gold: Prospecting with a Metal Detector

Monday, June 1, 2020   •   Views: (6355)

Quarantined and still prospecting

Quarantined and still prospecting

Thursday, April 23, 2020   •   Views: (7917)

Horse Sense, Mining Thursday, and Responsible Habits Of A High-Risk Prospector Still Doing What They Love

Horse Sense, Mining Thursday, and Responsible Habits Of A High-Risk Prospector Still Doing What They Love

For many years I have one day a week pursued my passion for mining. “Mining Thursday” has become a mainstay in my routine and has become both an emotional and monetary fulfilling activity. All this despite having a physical condition - a chronic lung condition and asthma, which puts me in the high risk category according to the CDC. And while I understand that I would most likely not survive a bout with COVID-19, I choose to continue to mine and enjoy the outdoor adventure, and choose to do it responsibly as I have been for many years.


I have decided to create a mining trip “habit”, something that you can share with your trusted mining partners, spouses and children. It has three basic parts – preparation, sanitation and working together despite physical space limitations.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020   •   Views: (6123)

Safe Prospecting During the Coronavirus: Your Step by Step Playbook

Safe Prospecting During the Coronavirus: Your Step by Step Playbook

For most Prospectors, social distancing is part of what we do and why we do it. Separation from the masses while out prospecting is our way of social distancing or as I call it, “social decompression”. It is a part of our makeup and getting out there and on the gold is something we embrace at every opportunity. Whether prospecting by yourself or with a small group of friends or family, it has been this way for generations, and most likely for generations to come.

Friday, March 20, 2020   •   Views: (7873)