News and Updates

Membership Services Team: "You are the gold!"

Membership Services Team: "You are the gold!"

Our goal in the Membership Services department is to provide all members of the Gold Prospectors Association of America with exceptional customer service, continued communication and support. Our priority is to make sure our members’ needs are met for GPAA, Gold Life and the Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association. We also handle subscriptions to Gold Prospectors magazine, reservations for scheduled outings, and provide information about local GPAA chapters. We always strive to help solve any problem that arises, and provide you with a solution.


Saturday, November 26, 2016   •   Views: (10301)

Turbopan more than just spin

Turbopan more than just spin

Necessity, it has been said, is the mother of invention. But sometimes, the invention part can come years later, depending on when one can find the time to tinker and actually make it happen. So it was when Australian-born geologist Kim Hillier decided he would one day create a better gold pan. 
As a young man in his early twenties, Hillier had spent many hours test panning for an exploration company that was searching for alluvial and hard rock gold deposits in Australia.

Monday, November 14, 2016   •   Views: (9804)

A Prospector’s Paradise

A Prospector’s Paradise

The end of the road is just the beginning in Fairbanks

If adventure begins where the pavement ends, then driving from the Lower 48 to the end of the Alaska Highway has to be the ultimate road trip. And, what lies at the end of the road is a prospector’s paradise known as The Golden Heart City, about 100 miles shy of the Arctic Circle, where there is 24 hours of daylight on the summer solstice.

Friday, November 4, 2016   •   Views: (11765)

The GPAA Gold & Treasure Show is coming to Concord, North Carolina, Oct. 29-30

The GPAA Gold & Treasure Show is coming to Concord, North Carolina, Oct. 29-30

Open to the public at The Cabarrus Arena and Events Center.

The final of the three eastern U.S. GPAA Gold & Treasure Shows wraps up this weekend at The Cabarrus Arena and Events Center in Concord, North Carolina, open Saturday and Sunday at 10a.m.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016   •   Views: (13428)

Grow your GPAA Chapter

Grow your GPAA Chapter

Boost memberships and receive rewards

Chapters play a critical role in the in the success and growth of the Gold Prospectors Association of America. They are truly the foundation of our organization and in many respects, are responsible for the long-term health and stability of the GPAA. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016   •   Views: (11371)
