Last Post 01 Jan 1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
There’s Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba
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23 May 2023 01:14 PM
    There’s Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba

    Metal Detecting and Sluicing the Yuba River with Gary @TwoToes and Robert @RobertHolmes1 during our spring of high water.
    We have the Minelab SDC 2300's fired up and ready to find those Placer Gold Nuggets the Yuba River is famous for !!!
    Gary pulls the Sluice box out of the Jeep Rubicon to test the gravels and see how much Gold they hold !!!!

    There's Gold in them Gravels Sluicing the Yuba River

    SG 079
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