Last Post 06 Sep 2022 01:01 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
RxR Act
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13 Aug 2022 06:18 AM
    I have come across a couple pieces of property by a river that is unclaimed (On the BLM MLRS) and when I look it up on the MTP (additional Documents), it references an ancient (old) transportation act for the railroad. There is no tracks anyplace.....

    My question is, does this mean the property is withdrawn from being claimed and the railroad owns it? Or did it revert back to the NFS? How can I check?

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    06 Sep 2022 01:01 PM
    There are huge amounts of land under the RR act and a huge amount of claims being held to this day by different RR's. On those I always call the regional BLM office to see if the area is still under RR. Do not be surprised if nobody knows what you are asking about either.
    I could give you more than a dozen examples where there is RR land, no tracks and was never on the table to track an area. Last time I called BNSF it took them a month to track down the RR land and the only reason they did was that the person I was talking to had no idea about RR act land and wanted to learn.
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