Last Post 04 Mar 2015 03:38 PM by  William Hall
Change of plans
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Mary Bosanek

04 Mar 2015 12:57 PM

    Hi all,

    We had plans for another claim but that fell off the deep end.  So, since we already have the trip planed and things paid for I want to see if anyone had any more info on the Nancy's claim in placer county Ca. other then what is in the member book. We may just go there instead but would like a heads up if anyone can help with this area.

    Thanks Mary.

    William Hall

    04 Mar 2015 03:38 PM
    I assume you are referring to Nancy's Gold ?
    Its quite a strenuous hike in, but more so out.
    Stay below the bridge.
    When you hike down to the water, try going down stream.
    Watch out for poison oak.
    Have been a couple of times during high water conditions, and never really done very good. Never was able to cross to the other side.
    Have heard of 'good' gold down stream. Dono ?

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