Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
21 Jun 2022 10:31 PM |
Hi Jordan Phil and I will be there this upcoming weekend. We will be there late Saturday and through the following Wednesday. Please stop by and say hi!
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
21 Jun 2022 10:31 PM |
Hi Jordan Phil and I will be there this upcoming weekend. We will be there late Saturday and through the following Wednesday. Please stop by and say hi!
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
21 Jun 2022 10:31 PM |
Hi Jordan Phil and I will be there this upcoming weekend. We will be there late Saturday and through the following Wednesday. Please stop by and say hi!
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
05 Aug 2022 05:53 PM |
Hi everyone, It was great to see everyone at the Pomona Gold Show. Now that the show is over we have a big announcement regarding our upcoming Oktoberfest at the claim. This year's Oktoberfest will feature Kevin Hoagland and other GPAA folks. They will be coming out to conduct classes for all skill levels during the outing. Keven says He "may have at that time [Placer Pete's Oktoberfest] something special to share with everyone there, not a promise but it is a goal ..." The outing is again free to those who attend. Classes from metal detecting and Drywashing to Fine gold recovery and prospecting will be offered. You will also get a chance to "Walk the Claim" with the Claim owners. Always a great way to get the low down on the claim itself. To attend we request that you sign up through the web site and let us know you are coming. There is plenty of camping area and the roads to the claim is wide and and a bit bumpy but very navigable with a two wheel drive car or a large RV or trailer. The event will be held on October 7 - 9 at the Placer Pete Claim. Classes start at 10:30 Friday and continue through Sunday. Of course, you are are welcomed to just go out on your own and find some Placer Pete gold for yourself. Don't forget the Saturday Night Oktoberfest Pot Luck. We hope you can make it. Steve and Phil
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
07 Aug 2022 01:21 PM |
I have been asked questions regarding the upcoming Oktoberfest outing at the Placer Pete Claim October 7th - 10th. Most seemed interested in what classes will be offered. Although a finalized list has not been completed at this time here is a good look at what we are currently planning: Walk the claim with the owner Introduction to Drywashing Metal Detecting (Hosted by Kevin Hoagland) Fine Gold Recovery Prospect from home How to sample Basics on how to file a claim (Others being considered) There will also be a Saturday Potluck and Campfire Come on out and enjoy the fun - use our website to sign up! There is no cost.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
12 Aug 2022 04:00 PM |
Thank you to all who have signed up for the event. It really helps us with our planning. The calendar of events for the 3 days is still being developed but I am able to offer this update. The GPAA’s Kevin Hoagland is the author of a bi-monthly article in the Gold Prospectors magazine named Where’s the Gold. We have asked Kevin to use Placer Pete as an area to conduct a Where’s the Gold session and he has agreed. You too can now be directly involved in a Where’s the Gold segment hosted by Kevin Hoagland on the Placer Pete’s Claim. All you need to do is to just show up for the Oktoberfest event and join Kevin on his hunt for gold on the Placer Pete Claim! We haven’t finalized the schedule yet. I will get that to all of the folks coming within the next few weeks. Please remember to sign up for the event through the web site, to receive your invitation. Come on out and join Kevin in a Where’s the Gold adventure. Hope to see you at the claim. Steve and Phil
Steven Brown New Member Posts:25 
28 Aug 2022 08:58 PM |
Will there be access to any water out there or should I bring my drum full? Can we camp any where or is there a designated spot to camp I have signed up for the Octoberfest at the web site you provided I hope I did it right
Steven Brown New Member Posts:25 
28 Aug 2022 09:43 PM |
I am coming out to October fest signed up on phone not sure it went through this will be my first event im going to.not sure what equipment I need to will need to bring.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
28 Aug 2022 10:25 PM |
Hi Steven I will check to make aure you are on our list for the upcoming Oktoberfest at the Placer Pete claim. First of all there is no water available at the claim. We are in the desert and it is a dry claim. You can camp anywhere you wish but it is recommended that in order to get to know other prospectors that camping in the general area as others will be beneficial. As far as equipment goes the best thing to do is to give me a call at 714-658-7972. I'll be glad to answer your questions. Hope to see you at the claim. Steve
Wayne Eggleston Greenhorn Posts:1 
29 Aug 2022 05:57 PM |
Hi I’m wayne eggleston I would like to put your Octoberfest event along with Victor Baker. Thanks
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
01 Sep 2022 04:44 PM |
Exciting News The Prospectors Club of Southern California (PCSC) has agreed to join the upcoming Octoberfest Event. On Saturday October 8th at 3:30 pm they will be conducting a Coin and Nugget Hunt. These are always fun and the metal detectorists can hunt in a seeded area for goodies. There may be a nominal donation requested to offset the hunt cost, see the PCSC folks at the event for more details. Just another great reason to join our placer Pete’s Octoberfest. Make sure you have registered for the event at See you at the Claim Steve / Phil
Steven Brown New Member Posts:25 
05 Sep 2022 03:54 PM |
Steve my friend gene bitters phone #7028098984 no email thanks
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
09 Sep 2022 11:05 AM |
Hi everyone We are getting close to the upcoming Placer Pete's Outing on October7th - 10th. Just wanted to pass along that if you have signed up for the event by September 6th you should have received a copy of the agenda and confirmation that we have you registered for the event. If not, well, we need your help. Some folks have asked to join the event but their email is not responding, or they didn't put their name in the signup form or haven't responded to direct emails from us with questions regarding their registration. If you believe you should be registered and some error has occurred between us please resend your your sign up request and we will get to you right away with your event agenda. Thanks for your help Steve.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
18 Sep 2022 12:54 AM |
Just a reminder Last day to register for the Oktoberfest is September 25th See you there Steve
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
12 Oct 2022 03:25 PM |
Oktoberfest at the Placer Pete Claim was a huge success. We had over 50 folks attend and we all had a great time. We had the GPAA (Kevin Hoagland), several members from the Prospectors Club of California, some very accomplished prospectors and many new folks to the hobby in attendance. The Oktoberfest themed potluck was a huge success as was the "In your face Blueberry beer" brewed by Phil and I. Look forward to next year. Our next outing should be in March for .... wait for it ....... St Patrick's day! Hope you all find color in your pan Steve
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
02 Dec 2022 05:07 PM |
March 2023 Placer Pete Outing Announced March 24th - March 26th Our March Outing will be a hands on, work with experienced miners 3 day event. Claim owners, experienced miners and Kevin Hoagland from the GPAA will work directly with you to help you with your equipment setup, locate your "Golden Spot", make sure everything is operating efficiently and tuned to the desert environment. We will work with your while you are detecting or drywashing. Heck we will even help you shovel if needed. There is even time for both. Special coin hunting event sponsored by the PCSC will be held as well as a Saturday night Potluck, Campfire with giveaways. Also, announcing for the first time, a special a "Find the treasure at the end of the Rainbow" team event requiring all your prospecting skills and a great treasure for the first team to find the Pot of Gold. Keep all the gold you find Register at the Web site Hope to see you all out there Steve
Scott Coe Greenhorn Posts:3 
02 Dec 2022 05:37 PM |
Thanks Steve! I Joined the email list to insure I receive more info and updates. Affordability is my only concern as a COLA has been assured, but not yet received. It would be my new Tacoma “Amazing Grace’s” first mining trip! I’m not yet as good as I will be, but I know my limitations. Rebuilding again! I assisted at an Italian Bar common dig and enjoy the ability to educate within my experience level, and willing to do any job in support of the experience as a volunteer too. We can talk further later rather than typing a resume! Scott 🤠👍🇺🇸 ETA, Only a “Greenhorn” on the board and friends know me as “Candy Ass” 😉
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
02 Dec 2022 05:58 PM |
Hi Scott Looking forward to chatting with you about the event. I hope it works into your schedule. You can reach me at 714-658-7972 if you have time to chat Steve
Dan Kaufman Greenhorn Posts:2 
03 Jan 2023 01:08 PM |
Greetings Steve and Phil. Hope you are all doing well and sure miss seeing you guys out on the claim and watching you use new inventions to make gold recovery easier. It was a privilege when you asked me to go over your tailings and excited when you found your first nugget with the Gold Monster. I also miss the early morning hours prospecting, the Kit Fox that stole my headphones, and watching the sun coming up. I read about your Octoberfest and it looked like lots of fun and a great success. Really enjoyed the GPAA outing, "Where's the Gold?" on Placer Pete. This was my favorite "go to" claim and found 370 nuggets on your claim, from pinhead to 1/4 ounce, and yes there were days getting skunked. So, there is gold there. Following your adventures from AZ, near Congress and Stanton. Thanks. Dan
Dan Kaufman Greenhorn Posts:2 
03 Jan 2023 01:08 PM |
Greetings Steve and Phil. Hope you are all doing well and sure miss seeing you guys out on the claim and watching you use new inventions to make gold recovery easier. It was a privilege when you asked me to go over your tailings and excited when you found your first nugget with the Gold Monster. I also miss the early morning hours prospecting, the Kit Fox that stole my headphones, and watching the sun coming up. I read about your Octoberfest and it looked like lots of fun and a great success. Really enjoyed the GPAA outing, "Where's the Gold?" on Placer Pete. This was my favorite "go to" claim and found 370 nuggets on your claim, from pinhead to 1/4 ounce, and yes there were days getting skunked. So, there is gold there. Following your adventures from AZ, near Congress and Stanton. Thanks. Dan