Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
07 Mar 2021 06:43 PM |
Hi All From March 17th to March 21st we will be having a outing out at the claim. Come on out and enjoy the fun as we dry wash and metal detect for Placer Pete Gold! Spend a day or more with us. We will also be working with a small group of greenhorns on Friday and Saturday in dedicated classes to learn how to read the claim to dry washing / metal detecting through clean out and weighing your gold! Contact us for details on the classes. There are only 4 spaces left in these dedicated classes. If you are a seasoned prospector and just want to share some stories or new to the prospecting activity this is a great place and time to share and learn. Hope to see the GPAA/LDMA folks out there.
Kevin Euceda-rivera Greenhorn Posts:6 
07 Mar 2021 09:04 PM |
Hey there, greenhorn here. I’ve known about gold mining for years, and decided to do more in depth research over the last few months and realized even if I live in Houston, Texas I can still mine gold! So I’m really interested in buying equipment, getting out there, learning, mining, and basically spending a season out there in other states. Would a class like yours be open to me?
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
07 Mar 2021 10:35 PM |
Hello Absolutely our class would be available. Are you thinking on coming out to Southern California to our claim? If so please contact me and we will make sure you have all of your questions answered and you get the prospecting information you will need to find color! I can be reached at or I hope to hear from you very soon
Mark Taylor Greenhorn Posts:12 
08 Mar 2021 07:09 AM |
Looks interesting. I got on the mailing list although I am already committed for those dates. Kevin I'm just north of you in Montgomery. I you ever care to meet up drop me a line. My gmail is MDTAYLORLRIM
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
08 Mar 2021 11:11 AM |
Great Mark. Since most of our events are in the spring, fall and winter (the desert is hot in the summer of course) we hope to see you at an upcoming outing or class in the near future. We are planning our advanced prospecting course ( 3 days) for the near future, probably in early to mid May. Thanks for joining the mailing list. Good luck and may your pan always have color.
Kevin Euceda-rivera Greenhorn Posts:6 
08 Mar 2021 12:35 PM |
Steve, Thank you, ive looked more into it and have seen that its dry washing in the desert, as well as you need to pay for your spot daily?. Would be nice, but im planning on buying a gold hog highbanker and was wanting to start off with that and learning to run material with water. I will undoubtedly attend one of your courses, but id want to get my feet wet first in the waters prospecting. Then again its not too late for me to buy a dry wash plant lol. Im keeping my options open. Mark, thats actually really great. I saw its a little over an hour from where i am here in Houston so id be happy to meet up. Im wanting to meet more prospectors here in Texas, maybe even do a trip here in Texas with fellow prospectors before i go all out and head to other state(s) for months. As i said im wanting to spend a season traveling the states mining for gold and hopefully pull in around 2 ounces a month. I know the goal is pretty high and a bit of a long shot, but ive also learned if you have a bit of knowledge, and perseverance, you can make it happen. (If anyone has a reality check hit me with it now lol) Anyways im getting off track, ill send you an email, we'll talk more on there brother.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
08 Mar 2021 12:42 PM |
Hi Kevin and Mark Thanks for the interest in our Upcoming activity in the desert. I would like to encourage both of you to sign up for our mailing list again. It seems that there was an error in the web site regarding the email address. This has been fixed but unfortunately your email address was not sent to us to add you to our list. If you could please give it one more shot I will make sure you get onto our list. Thanks As far a desert versus river prospecting well I really enjoy both however in California it's a bit difficult to do any water prospecting beyond shovel and sluice box unless you are 300 feet / yards? (Don't exactly remember) from the water source. So please make sure you are following the rules before starting out on an adventure you may not be able to fulfill. Thanks again
Mike Costley Greenhorn Posts:6 
14 Apr 2021 11:33 AM |
What are the accomadation near by? I have a small camper and generally just try to stay on the claim.
Jeffrey Hodges Greenhorn Posts:1 
14 Apr 2021 03:37 PM |
Recently rejoined the GPAA I’m interested in coming out to the Placer Pete claim with the wife & grandkids. Couple of questions: 1) Is it cool to bring out my Lab puppy. I know seems like a stupid question being in the middle of nowhere but I don’t want to make the trip and piss off the claim owners. 2) is the somewhere nearby to park my motor home? My wife isn’t into roughing it & to be honest I’ve gotten softer in recent years.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
14 Apr 2021 10:58 PM |
Hi Jeff Welcome. You are certainly welcomed to our event. There spots for motorhome/trailers on the claim. Dogs have been out to the claim as well but be advised there are desert critter out there as well. If you are new to the GPAA and to prospecting I did encourage you to attend our beginners class it does help alot to getting you on the gold. Please feel free to email me directly with your questions or even better yet give me a call. The web site is also helpful in reaching me. Hope to see you at the claim.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
14 Apr 2021 11:01 PM |
Hello Mike Campers are welcome on the claim however it is in the middle of the desert, easy to get to but it is a dry claim with no water or facilities. I hope this helps. Hope to see you at the claim.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
18 Apr 2021 10:34 PM |
Hi All Our next Placer Pete Outing is coming up in May May 19th - 23rd Come on out to the claim and try your luck at prospecting any time during this week. There is of course no cost for this outing. Keep what you find. There is always color on Placer Pete's. May 22-23 Pete's Beginner class May 22 – 23, 2021 Learn the basics of desert prospecting from equipment set up to gold recovery desert style. Learn the basics of how to read the land and what to look for when looking for a place to dig. Learn how to determine the value of your prospect hole. Join us in the evening and get all of your questions answered! Of course keep all the gold you find! Reservations required, limited number of participants (about 6). May 21 – 23, 2021 Placer Pete's Advanced Class Our first advanced mining class of the year. Will cover advanced topics like reading the land, how to sample, determine your dig spot, how to file a claim, how to do prospecting research, equipment tuning, how to know what your take home gold value really is. This is a 3 day class. Day 1 is sessions on filing a claim, research, tools, study of the land, what to look for in the land, what are layers and why are they important, learn the different land topography. Day 2 is class selection of a spot, prospecting holes, study of the claim, how to set up your dig site, how deep should I dig and other activities. Prospect holes will be developed and sampling taken. Then you chose your spot for you full day dig. Discover other valuable strategies for preparing for and executing a desert mining trip. An overview of metal detecting will also be presented. Day 3 is a 1 full day of prospecting on your own (with aid from the instructors). Of course you keep all the gold you find. All classes require a RSVP since space is limited. If you just want to come out and find some of the Placer Pete Gold, great - see you out there. You can RSVP through our web site
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
06 Sep 2021 12:02 PM |
Our Octoberfest outing in October (20th – 25TH ) is coming AND WE HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU OUT AT THE CLAIM! This the second time the event is being held. Please come on out and find some Placer Pete Gold and share a story or two! We sure would like to know if you will be coming out so we can prepare for your visit! If you plan on visiting us this year please drop us a quick note and tell us you will be coming to the event. A simple response is all we ask. Also if you are still planning to attend on of our classes please let us know that as well! We hope your summer is golden and again we look forward to renewing our prospecting experience with all of our Friends of Placer Pete. Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you feel would be interested. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon. Steve and Phil
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
13 Sep 2021 12:22 PM |
Hi Friends of Placer Pete. Just got back from the claim and despite the very hot weather limiting our dig time and increasing our relaxation time we did pretty well. Our payout was one gram for 10 hours of digging over 3 days. The claim is certainly paying good Karma to those who venture out to the clam in the summer time! Hey - don't forget the upcoming the upcoming Octoberfest outing at the claim! We hope to see you there.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
09 Nov 2021 03:34 PM |
With more folks attending than ever before the Placer Pete outing was very well received. A great group of people worked with us to find some of the precious gold on the property. Everyone working with either the claim owners and other experienced friends of Placer Pete did well in their hunt for gold. The claim gave, once again, about $8 to $15 per yard. The campfires and Saturday party were well attended. Some of the participants did decide to venture out on their own and may not have done as well. Some unfortunately decided to dig in holes that are being reclaimed and their success was not as bountiful as the rest of the folks. That is the nature of the beast I suppose. We even had a first-time metal detector find her first piece of gold! That was great to hear. All in all, we had a wonderful time with the folks at the outing and we look forward to seeing them again at our next outing in early spring next year. Have a great day.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
30 Jan 2022 01:47 PM |
Hi all, Placer Pete still has gold from "fly Poop' to 14.5 g nuggets! From Dry washing to metal detecting Pete loves giving up the gold. We are having our next Placer Pete outing on March 24th 2022 - March 27th 2022. We hope for great weather and loads of gold and fun. If you are interested let us know. See additional data on the web site at . Happy hunting Short update Beginners class is sold out
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
29 Apr 2022 10:51 PM |
Our March Placer Pete outing was our most attended by far. We had multiple Clubs in attendance and more than 10 new to prospecting! As usual the folks who Drywashed faired better than those who metal detected, but all in all gold was still to be found at Placer Pete. With multiple folks attending we had prospectors all over the claim. We even had on prospector decide that it was time for the family to get their own claim. Our best wishes to them. The Saturday Pot Luck dinner was spectacular with great food and attendance. Pete's gold was in the fine to picker category . No reports of nuggets found this time around. The weather was wonderful with only a bit of a breeze disrupting us in the evening hours. Typical desert weather for March. All in all, this outing was a huge success.
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
17 Jun 2022 11:26 PM |
Just for your information Phil and I will be out that the Claim the last week in June 2022 for a bit of prospecting and hopefully some mining to boot. Come on out and say Hi if you are in the neighborhood!
Jordan Owen Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 Jun 2022 04:14 PM |
Hey Steve, First off, thanks for your generosity regarding the claim. I am new to the gpaa but have visited Pete a couple times now since becoming a member. I live very local to the claim and would love to come out and say hello. Are you guys going to be out there the weekend of the 25-26 by any chance? Jordan
Steve Scukanec New Member Posts:58 
21 Jun 2022 10:31 PM |
Hi Jordan Phil and I will be there this upcoming weekend. We will be there late Saturday and through the following Wednesday. Please stop by and say hi!