Last Post 04 Jun 2020 03:38 PM by  Kail Yeaton
Gold King Creek Adventure
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Kail Yeaton

02 Jun 2020 04:08 PM
    Hello!! After reading several articles from Gold Prospectors Magazine and talking with Kib and Noel i booked a 2 week trip to Gold King Creek Alaska towards the end of this month i couldn't more amped!! i have been reading article after article and review after review about gold metal detectors. As a newbie i really dont know what to get! the Garret At Gold, Fisher has a couple gold bugs and then the article i read from you about the minelab gold monster 1000. As someone with a fast majority of experience and someone thats seen the area what is good beginner one in your opinion? Also i know about 1000lbs of bug spray is needed and some rain gear and shorts any other gear/clothing not in any of the articles that you'd feel would be beneficial to make the most of the trip? Thanks so much and i look forward to hearing what you have to say!
    David Holley

    02 Jun 2020 10:46 PM
    Every detector has pros and cons. My recommendation would be to get the gold monster.I have one and a gpx5000 and use the monster much more
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    03 Jun 2020 10:39 AM
    Well my friend you have found the rabbit holes and many with bear traps in the bottom. First off do not buy a detector just for a trip. Think about how you are going to use a detector when you get back home. A detector is an investment into your mining future and the wrong one or one bought on impulse is not the best methodology for long-term success.
    There are a lot of great detectors in the market today and knowing what you need over want is a must.
    Ask yourself a few questions.
    1, Do I live in gold country and want a dedicated prospecting detector?
    2. Do I live in an area where I will be prospecting and coin-relic hunting?
    3. Would a X over machine work better for me in the long run?
    If you are choosing a gold machine, look at the ease of operation and is it something that will grow with you as you hone your skills. Many Detectorist outgrow their detectors in short order. You begin to want that one more adjustment level or that one more coil option.
    If your needs are more for a Xover then you need to look at detectors that have a true prospecting mode with an adjustable threshold and finite sensitivity setting to assure that you have the ability to be able to work through the ground in a way that will be successful.
    I tool a couple of detectors to GKCAA with me and found that both worked well in the moderately to light meneralization of the areas that I prospected. But I choose the detectors I took up there with me not for how they would work there but how they work where I am the other 10 to 11 months of the year.
    Feel free to email me or post here If I can offer you some additional information or after you narrow down your needs list.
    You are going to have a blast up there lets just make sure that the rest of the time you have what you need!


    Kail Yeaton

    04 Jun 2020 03:38 PM
    That makes a ton of sense when you step back and honestly look at the big picture. Very grateful for your insight on it. I live in Idaho and decent gold just on the other side of the state from where i live. I do have an ACE 350 to play around with in parks and river banks. i dont think most people get out as much as they would like to so my needs are hit and miss. Im really hoping to convince the wife to maybe once a year or every other year at least to take a couple of weeks for trips like GKCAA. its a passion ive wanted to really grow but haven't had the means for the availability to until now. im hoping my recent GPAA membership and this trip will help give me more knowledge and the means to pro-sue this on a much grander scale! Any other tips you have are much appreciated!
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