Last Post 23 Mar 2020 05:08 PM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
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Edwin Krueger

14 Mar 2020 10:28 PM
    I am in Southern California near Camp Pendelton. Recently I was looking for a place to play in the dirt, I found a great piece of river to work. I did my due diligence and could not find any claims to the land. I am not very experienced in this endeavor but I think that this is a good spot as every time I have gone out I have found color in my pan. Again I am not very good at this yet so I may not be looking in the right spots, however each time I have gone I have tested a different spot and each time I find lots of lead and a few fines of gold. I have tried to sluicing several times but have not figured out how to get proper flow. I have not detected as I am really inept with it. Either way it still comes down to panning and I think I am pretty good at that. I would like help determining if we can stake a claim here, and help in staking it for GPAA as a learning event. The area has easy access, however it is probably not even considered due to the location. Please feel free to call, text, or email me. My phone is 6083226806, or
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    19 Mar 2020 06:42 PM
    After narrowing it down to Township, Range and Section, (try to get itdown to the 1/4 section if you are just in one or however many you are in, and you have checked LR2000, (which will only break out to 1/4 section), check with the mineral dept at the BLM state office. They will break it all the way out for you, usually over the phone. They can also tell you if the gov't holds the mineral rights ( Gov't has to hold mineral rights to be able to file a claim). If all good so far, check with the county recorder. They have the CURRENT status of any claims and are the LEGAL word on claims. BLM will gladly take your $$, and tell you it is a civil matter for the courts if you overfile on a current claim.

    If still all good, get the current forms to file, usually can find at a good sized stationary store or office supply house, fill out and take to county and record. Then send to the BLM state office with the appropiate fees for the size of the claim. They will process and send back. Need to file an intent to hold by August 31 every year, and your assesment filing by December 31 each year. On the assesment you can either do $100 worth of work on the claim or pay the acreage fees. You can file both in August and save worrying about forgetting the December date. Always send all paperwork to BLM via certified return reciept just as a precaution. Covers yourself if they try to say they never got it.

    You need to have one name for every 20 acres or portion there of, ie. 40 acres(2 names), 60 acres(3 names), up to 160 acres(8 names), the maximum size allowed for a placer claim. You will probably need to post a location notice, and mark the corners of the claim.

    Once you have a filed claim, then you can talk to GPAA and Kevin about listing it for GPAA member use.

    Good Luck, hope it works out for you.
    Edwin Krueger

    20 Mar 2020 01:25 PM
    I used LR200 but the Property is not in a section as it is on the fringe of a military post. I will Check with the county to verify no claims. Even though it is on military land it is easily accessible as it is right off the public road and is not fenced off. Worse case scenario is that someone asks for ID, so as long as people stick to the claim itself there is no issue.

    I would still like someone more experienced to come out with me and scout for the best area to stake. Or even better have someone from GPAA come with me And just make it a GPAA claim from the start.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    20 Mar 2020 04:28 PM
    Since it is part of a military installation, you probably won't be able to file a claim. Those types of areas are generally "withdrawn from mineral entry", meaning you can't file on them. While you may not see TRS lines on a map, they are still there.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    23 Mar 2020 05:08 PM
    If you can send me 1 GPS coordinate from the area I can quickly research authorized ingress. I use a version of ESRI GIS Mapping that shows to the meter land ownership. After that it is a couple of steps to find ingress status. send to
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