Last Post 27 Sep 2019 05:14 PM by  James Martin
Camas County Idaho Claim Gone?
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James Martin

25 Sep 2019 01:45 PM
    I see the claim is no longer on the website. Was planning on visiting it soon. Any ideas? Thanks.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    25 Sep 2019 01:59 PM
    Yes, The claim was released in the 2018/2019 Mining year. In the winter 2016/17 the winter storms and seasonal run off destroyed the ingress and the Forest Service closed all ingress with no time line on when the ingress to the claim would reopen.
    After a year with no repairs started and according to Forest Service no start date set, we released the claim. When I talked to a member last month about a number of Idaho claims FLAP JACK came up and he reported that the roads were still closed.
    We did print the release in the Pick and Shovel and I apologize that I do not have the month in front of me.
    James Martin

    27 Sep 2019 05:14 PM
    Thank you for the update. Astounded that the road would be closed for so long. Thanks again!
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