Last Post 03 Mar 2019 10:37 AM by  Don Miller
Three Fault
 2 Replies
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Don Miller

28 Feb 2019 11:45 AM
    Kevin, in the gazette you mentioned an upcoming video on getting to Three Fault. Is this video available somewhere. If so, where can I find it. Also, did you find any gold there? Any tips for finding gold on this claim?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    28 Feb 2019 03:59 PM
    I have not completed the video editing as of today. There are a lot of Drone shots and just banging around with the detectors and walking around looking at the ground. I will assure you that it will all be ready for the next Pick & Shovel along with a new tutorial on the Online Mining Guide which will be a side by side article.
    Oh and to answer your second to last question, YEP! When the video is posted it will offer a few tips surrounding the types of ground I found on the claim. In the mean time look for the areas of really iron stained soil even the smallest of spots can be good.
    Don Miller

    03 Mar 2019 10:37 AM
    Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to working this claim with my gold monster!
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