Last Post 11 Jan 2018 09:17 AM by  GEROLD PERSONETT
Vulture Bait
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11 Jan 2018 08:47 AM
    Thank you for the info you posted on the Vulture Bait claim, very helpful. I'll be driving from Washington state in February 2018 and will be metal detecting Vulture Bait and camping on the claim. My question is; is the claim on BLM land or is it trust land or both? 
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11 Jan 2018 09:01 AM
    The claim is on BLM public land. State Trust land claims are a whole other story and something you really do not want to ever deal with unless you have very deep pockets and a lot of time on your hands. Then there is that part about being in a partnership with the State of Arizona yada yada yada......
    There is however a great deal of good to excellent camping spots that are on the Trust Land in the area. I do always recommend that anyone prospecting even close to Trust Lands obtain the permit. This way you are covered for camping and other recreational activities (NO MINING OR PROSPECTING) while you are in the area. Signage in some areas is non existent but believe me the State Land police know exactly where this and that starts and ends. $15.00 dollar permit is just a good investment.
    New Member
    New Member

    11 Jan 2018 09:17 AM
    Thank you Kevin, It's been a few years since I've been able to make it to AZ and worked any AZ claims and wanted to make sure I would be on BLM land, my last few trips south were at 6 Feet under and then ADK last November and didn't need to worry about trust land.
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