Last Post 05 Mar 2017 07:53 AM by  KEVIN HOAGLAND
Solar panels to run a bilge pump for prospecting?
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Michael Zapp

28 Feb 2017 07:06 PM
    I am curious about using solar panel to run my 1500 GPH bilge pump for my recirc system. Any suggestions?
    Batteries can be very heavy and cumbersome to trek into remote areas of Arizona. I am curious if you have any suggestions about the size/wattage for solar panels. It is a 12v 8 amp (12 amp internally fused) bilge pump.
    Brad Lamb
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    01 Mar 2017 11:28 AM
    a battery with a solar trickle charger will be less headache.

    You will likely need multiple 45W panels (30"X30"), transformer, cords, a protective bag....I tried it with the Harbor Freight solar system and there were too many fragile parts to keep track of and the panels have a tendency to crack easier than a smart phone.
    William Adams
    New Member
    New Member

    04 Mar 2017 03:28 AM

    All the portable solar arrays I've used require a battery to provide the main charge to the device. The panels maintain the trickle charge to the battery to keep it going.  Try using something like a ATV battery.  Hope that helps

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    05 Mar 2017 07:53 AM
    I agree with both Brad and William on this one. I did a little research on some of the better panels that would create enough energy to run the pump. I found three that would almost fit the bill but nothing that would be consistent enough to keep the pump at capacity. well over a grand each and pretty large.
    I use solar to keep my batteries topped as well but not to run mains for my panels.
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