Clark Mossman Greenhorn Posts:5 
12 May 2017 08:32 PM |
If I had been to 40 "clams" and never found gold, 1st I'd start going to "claims". And then I would take a good hard look at myself and admit I wasn't a very good prospector.
Mike Finlay Greenhorn Posts:6 
15 May 2017 04:03 PM |
Clark hit the nail on the head,,,, I have Been doing the Gold thing for 50 years and heard most all "Newbie bitching" reasons you can hear about No gold I can stand But this wins the prize . 1st get you a panning bag or two and a Home depot tub,,,And a person that Realy knows how to pan then let him show you how to pan . Then wear that bag out over and over panning to you are tired of it . Then ask the person that showed you how to pan go to several caims where you did not find gold and show you how again . Some can find gold right off the bat,, some need help bad . Get some help quick . It's hard to jump right in and find gold each and every time but 40 claims,,,,, No way . Get the bags and tub with help to show you how to pan . Good Luck,,,Miner Mike .
William Hall Buzzard Posts:661 
16 May 2017 05:26 PM |
You mean the gold aint layin right on the ground ?!?!? I have to work for it ?!?!?
Tim Leibel Buzzard Posts:608 
17 May 2017 06:07 AM |
The old truth Gold mining starts at the pan and ends at the pan. Learn to pan and you will find gold.
james tribble Greenhorn Posts: 
17 May 2017 01:45 PM |
I have had good days and bad days,, some days i found gold,, other days i just moved alot of dirt. Thats life, if your never finding anything, then its time to try new tactics, or a new hobby. I was at gold and gem grubbing last week, after 60 buckets,,,, no gold, not even a spec,, but the gems were more than jumping. The folks next to us, didnt find any good gems but they did find some nice flakey gold. Its a crap shoot, you ether love doing this or you dont. Sorry to hear that your having a difficult time
Daniel Strantz Greenhorn Posts:1 
18 May 2017 07:12 AM |
I worked a small wash that had been vacuumed down to bedrock. I took my small hand sledgehammer and cracked the top layer of bedrock for about 50 ft and vacuumed and found just over 8 gram's. There were large flakes and several pickers. So if an area looks worked do a little work to check it and you might be surprised.
Brad Lamb Basic Member Posts:334 
18 May 2017 09:02 AM |
Posted By DANIEL STRANTZ on 18 May 2017 07:12 AM
I worked a small wash that had been vacuumed down to bedrock. I took my small hand sledgehammer and cracked the top layer of bedrock for about 50 ft and vacuumed and found just over 8 gram's. There were large flakes and several pickers. So if an area looks worked do a little work to check it and you might be surprised.
SHH, lol
Michael Brooks Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 May 2017 09:25 PM |
I like to see these kind of comments to remind people that it takes a lot of practice and research to make it work. I've been prospecting for a long time and telling people that it is a technique that just needs to be refined. I'm not a rich man but i love the outdoors, it feels good to see color in your pan or slouch. Its even a better feeling when you teach someone what you have learned and you get the opportunity to pass it on to someone else.
Michael Brooks Greenhorn Posts:2 
26 May 2017 09:25 PM |
I like to see these kind of comments to remind people that it takes a lot of practice and research to make it work. I've been prospecting for a long time and telling people that it is a technique that just needs to be refined. I'm not a rich man but i love the outdoors, it feels good to see color in your pan or slouch. Its even a better feeling when you teach someone what you have learned and you get the opportunity to pass it on to someone else.
Joseph Loyd Buzzard Posts:553 
28 May 2017 07:15 PM |
Micheal so well said as I do go to outing to try and help people learn what to do .I will be at Burnt river and Blue bucket doing just that .Any and all can come and join in .Just make an outing .Have worked at Stanton and Scot river outings.
Don Ferguson Greenhorn Posts: 
Don Ferguson Greenhorn Posts: 
29 May 2017 04:25 PM |
I have found gold on our claims. It took me a few years to develop the skills but its ther. Tried to post a pic but terrible interface for that
Clark Mossman Greenhorn Posts:5 
30 May 2017 11:27 PM |
Mighty fine!
ARTHUR PEARSON New Member Posts:25 
07 Jun 2017 10:36 AM |
Study,study and study some more. Also accept the fact that the entire United States has been mined extensively in the past. I prospect nm , dry desert conditions. I have had good results following advice I have read from Australian prospectors.
Frank Orozco Greenhorn Posts: 
15 Jun 2017 03:17 PM |
I'm a new member and new to gold prospecting and on each outing I have done I have found gold. Not sure what the people are complaining about. sounds like they either are not digging in the right spots and need more experience to learn that. Or they method they are using to catch the gold is not working for them. I have gone out with the local Delta gold diggers chapter and all the people are friendly and again have always found gold. Glad I joined.
FRED DICKINSON Greenhorn Posts:2 
16 Jun 2017 03:26 PM |
If your ever in AZ, look me up. I find the gold on the GPAA claims and post pics constantly on facebook. Best day was almost 3 grams. My 14 year old son picked that spot. Just have to know where to look.
FRED DICKINSON Greenhorn Posts:2 
16 Jun 2017 03:26 PM |
If your ever in AZ, look me up. I find the gold on the GPAA claims and post pics constantly on facebook. Best day was almost 3 grams. My 14 year old son picked that spot. Just have to know where to look.
Sal Guttuso Greenhorn Posts:7 
18 Jun 2017 10:27 PM |
Just spent a day on 3 different spots and found gold at all three. I am new at this.
Shane Edwards Greenhorn Posts: 
01 Aug 2017 01:46 PM |
Holy Cow! I saw this post start almost a year ago and shortly after I got so busy with my Relic Hunting, I took a break from Gold until now, which I am back to, and it's hilarious to see the post still alive LOL
Russell Wiley Greenhorn Posts: 
14 Dec 2017 02:05 AM |
I agree, the learning curve is steep. You can't just aimlessly dig holes and expect gold. I have read numerous books, listened to others on the forums, talked to people in person that are more than willing to show you spots, and worked my butt off to find the elusive metal. Many headaches and getting skunked at first. Now I can't imagine not prospecting. The first time you see that picker in your pan, you're hooked for life. Like Tim I'd hate to see you go especially when there are so many resources that can be used.