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2 Replies and 7351 Views action alert.  7351  2 Started by this might be of some interest for some. We should start pushing for Donald Trump’s help right now. He has put up a web site asking for our input on what needs to be changed to help America become great again.  We have put up an “Action Alert” page at which provides the web site address and some sample language you can make use of to provide Mr. Trump with your own message. It will only take a few minu...
2 7351
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
09 Dec 2016 06:55 PM
1 Replies and 10075 Views Allowing the equipment fifa 17 points  10075  1 Started by If your cuts are not accurate, can you afford the time, material and money Cheap fifa coins do them againWill it be flexible enough Cheap fifa coins handle Cheap fifa coinsday’s plasma cutting needs and adapt Cheap fifa coins your future needs Answer: It is a must. A flexible design will allow for the addition of table extension and additional , allowing the equipment fifa 17 points adapt and grow with your business. Can you afford Cheap fifa coins own a one trick pony Is it fast ...
1 10075
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
27 Oct 2016 08:41 PM
2 Replies and 8977 Views Decisions, Decisions  8977  2 Started by      With the November 8th elections fast approaching there are decisions, decisions to be made that will effect our mining rights and the entire country as well.  Those that have been crying out that something needs to be done, well here is your best opportunity to make a change in the right direction.      Do we vote for the career politician that will raise taxes on everyone to expand the size of government which in turn will take away more rights by d...
2 8977
by  Brad LambJump to last post
19 Oct 2016 04:44 AM
6 Replies and 12243 Views San Gabriel Moutions monument  12243  6 Started by Hey I just read something in the Glendora report newspaper. (This is a newspaper that is sent out to people living in Glendora ca). Judy chu is at it again she trying to get bill h.r 3820 thourgh congress to expanded the San Gabriel Monument and Establish new national recreation area. here is the link to the bill.
6 12243
by  ADAM ANDREWSJump to last post
16 Sep 2016 08:31 PM
0 Replies and 5663 Views Morrow Mining Distric  5663  0 Started by Please share this with your members and claim owners in this district in the attachment you will find a map of Morrow Mining District. Areas in the Morrow Mining District include; The Coolgardie Mesa is half of Slocum Mountain, about a third of Black Mountain some of Lane Mountain   The MMAC is helping with advice and some legal to help the Morrow Mining District come out of disarray.   We will be taking nominations for the board of directors Morrow Minin...
0 5663
15 Sep 2016 09:17 AM
2 Replies and 13930 Views Colorado -- AHRA/CPW Wants Public Comments on New Mgt Plan 10 Years in the Making!  13930  2 Started by Greetings GPAA Prospectors...   We all have some sort of dog in this government 'manages' our public lands.......for us or against us...   For over a year now the Arkansas Headwaters Rec Area/Colorado Parks & Wildlife and the Citizen's Task Force (CTF) have been reviewing & rewriting the AHRA 'Management Plan'...    Basically, it's the big, bloated governing document on how the AHRA/CPW manages the entire Arkansas River from Leadville to Pue...
2 13930
by  joseph LoydJump to last post
06 Jun 2016 08:10 PM
1 Replies and 8780 Views PLP email Request...ANYONE in So. California!! June 1st  8780  1 Started by I received this email from PLP yesterday, as many of you probably did also. They are requesting that anybody that is able, to please show up on June 1st. As I am unable to make it (medical procedure scheduled) I wanted to at least pass this on. I figured there was a chance that someone here may not be signed up for their emails. Please help with a showing of support and solidarity.  We are a large group of like minded folks and if we would ALL just do a little in support of the fight for o...
1 8780
by  Jim LockeJump to last post
03 Jun 2016 02:55 PM
8 Replies and 20011 Views LDMA Oconee Camp  20011  8 Started by Follow the link to see what we have been fighting since 2003.  This type of false information has painted an ugly picture of the LDMA.  We have been fighting this negativity for 10 years.  Follow the link and scroll down to page 3.  
8 20011
by  KEVIN HOAGLANDJump to last post
10 May 2016 04:45 PM
3 Replies and 10980 Views ACTION ALERT: PLEASE OPPOSE THIS LAND GRAB IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY  10980  3 Started by ACTION ALERT: PLEASE OPPOSE THIS LAND GRAB IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY Reminder - Online Public Meeting - Friday, April 29 The National Park Service is conducting a boundary study in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to explore whether it would be appropriate and feasible to add lands in the Eagle Mountain area in Riverside County, California to Joshua Tree National Park. The study and environmental assessment is currently available for public review. The first public meeting for...
3 10980
by  CHRISTOPHER SATKOWSKIJump to last post
01 May 2016 05:02 PM
0 Replies and 5614 Views AZ Congressman addresses land grabing  5614  0 Started by The entire listening session will be available to watch live on Congressman Gosar’s Facebook page (  
0 5614
09 Apr 2016 07:29 PM
1 Replies and 9637 Views Gold miners oppose land grab in Nevada  9637  1 Started by &60;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&32;&116;&121;&112;&101;&61;&34;&116;&101;&120;&116;&47;&99;&115;&115;&34;&62; P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }A:link { } &60;&47;&115;&116;&121;&108;&101;&62; American Mining Rights Association MEDIA RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Gold miners oppose land grab in Nevada The American Mining Rights Association is calling on all Nevadans to oppose draft legislation known as the Pershing County lands bill t...
1 9637
by  JERE CLEMENTSJump to last post
28 Mar 2016 02:53 PM
0 Replies and 7388 Views Interesting and Irritating as hell.  7388  0 Started by Hello all, I was just spending some time online doing some 'searching' and I ran across this. I guess it is kind of 'old news' but I had not seen anything about it. Those of you that believe, as I do that we are not being fed the real truth by our liberal media should take a look at this. I will include the link and headline below. I was told by my grandfather years ago - 'You are better off not talking to others about two things : Politics and Religion , nobody agrees on either.' Most of the t...
0 7388
08 Mar 2016 09:44 AM
6 Replies and 9357 Views New laws recently enacted by U.S. Congress  9357  6 Started by Hi ! I get a newsletter once a month from my Congressman, Rob Woodall (R-GA),  about the bills he is involved in and which ones that get signed into law. The current laws of note for us prospectors: H.R. 2029 Consolidated Appropriations Act 2016 -  * Cuts funding to the EPA * Prohibits the EPA from regulating lead content in ammunition and fishing tackle H.R. 91 Veterans Identification Card Act - * Requires the VA to issue ID cards to all veterans with an honorable discharge. ...
6 9357
by  ROBERT SCARBOROUGHJump to last post
08 Mar 2016 07:59 AM
1 Replies and 17575 Views CALIFORNIANS AND OTHERS - PLEASE TAKE ACTION  17575  1 Started by Hello all, Please take a moment to take action! I am including a link to the ARRA site ( their action center). Please take a look and use their system to send an email to President Obama, let him know that he should not abuse his power to keep us and others from using PUBLIC lands. California National Monument Designations May Be Imminent   Thanks for your time and please spread the word......SOON! Jim
1 17575
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
04 Feb 2016 03:28 PM
6 Replies and 12861 Views CEQA case in California  12861  6 Started by  JNCCLEMENTS@GMAIL.COM Well, yesterday Judge Ochoa and the California courts gave the miners another bad decision. Ochoa had made his mind up before the proceedings even began, he walked in to the court room and gave his ruling to both parties which said that this matter is 'stayed' pending the Rinehart case. Which, in a nutshell, means nothing on this case will be decided until after the Rinehart case has been ruled on. James Buchal, attorney for the miners, tried to argue that there are many issues within...
6 12861
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
22 Jan 2016 03:26 PM
0 Replies and 6599 Views California/Nationwide Impacts -- New 49ers Legal Fund Fundraiser for 2016  6599  0 Started by Hey all you GPAA Gold Prospectors... Well, 2016 is here and our fight for our individual & collective prospecting/mining rights is still ongoing.  Dave Mack and the other great folks at the New 49ers Club in Kalifornia are still out there, fighting for ALL of us......working to get the Kalifornia suction Dredge ban overturned, once and for all. This legal fight may seem far away if you're not living in Kalifornia, but I can assure you the implications are national in scope!  The ...
0 6599
10 Jan 2016 07:09 AM
3 Replies and 9774 Views MMAC  9774  3 Started by Has anyone else seen anything else on this . ( - They are working for the rights of all outdoors activity. There is a rightup in Vallyprospectors news letter from Aprial on it .
3 9774
by  D M TURNEYJump to last post
01 Jan 2016 12:31 PM
9 Replies and 13429 Views Sign Petition to end water rights grab by EPA  13429  9 Started by The Obama administration is currently proposing a new rule to regulate every ditch and puddle in the nation as a “water source” under the Clean Water Act. Even worse, they want to bypass Congress and sidestep the Supreme Court along the way. If they get away with this scheme, we can expect new layers of red tape and control over people responsibly using their own land. It must be stopped!  Please sign CFACT's petition and together let's tell EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers t...
9 13429
by  D M TURNEYJump to last post
01 Jan 2016 12:27 PM
6 Replies and 6890 Views AMRA December Dinner Fundraiser  6890  6 Started by  JNCCLEMENTS@GMAIL.COM Anyone going to go to the December dinner Who will I be able to meet up with
6 6890
by  James McgrewJump to last post
11 Nov 2015 12:15 AM
7 Replies and 11741 Views Will our Government Confiscate our Gold, Again?  11741  7 Started by I doubt many of us were alive back in the Roaring 20's and the Great Depression but I am concerned history is repeating itself with our current market situation and our countries overall debt. I am typing this not to be political in the least but to remind people what happened in our past and can happen again. Here is a quote from a article that is worth reading; 'No American president has rivaled Roosevelt in his denunciation of what he called “economic royalists.” He sought to ...
7 11741
by  BRAD JONESJump to last post
21 Oct 2015 11:33 AM
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