Last Post 02 Jul 2014 06:28 PM by  SHELDON SWEAT
Kicking Donkey
 9 Replies
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Rick Denton

18 Jun 2014 11:21 AM

    Can any body tell me how to get ahold Travis Brown. His phone message center if full and won't let you leave a message. He sent wrong machine.

    Thanks for any help with this: Rick Denton (541)486-4094

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    18 Jun 2014 02:20 PM
    Has Steve contacted you? I showed him the message and he was going to call you Sunday after the outing.
    Rick Denton

    19 Jun 2014 09:37 AM
    I talked to Travis yesterday and got things worked out. They just sent the wrong one from there shop. Thanks for getting back to me. Travis said they would ship the right one today, so things are good. Thanks Rick Denton. Can't wait to try it out.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    19 Jun 2014 11:25 AM
    Rick--might want to edit you member # out........just for security purposes.
    Dale Blankenship

    19 Jun 2014 12:01 PM



    19 Jun 2014 12:48 PM

    It is not advised to display your membership number on the site as this is the key information needed to recover and gain access to your account.  


    I went ahead and removed this from your posts

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    19 Jun 2014 04:21 PM
    Thanks Jeremy, 'preciate you looking out for us.
    Rick Denton

    25 Jun 2014 08:48 AM
    Thanks for the info on my membership #. I can't wait until my new High Banker arrives. Thanks Rick.
    Larry Wilson

    02 Jul 2014 05:02 PM
    I did the LDMA outing at Burnt River and found it to be a poorly run fund raiser for LDMA. Additionally, they were giving away gold, that I suspect, was found thru the participants efforts to raise money for LDMA. The management told us that they would let us know what each machine pulled from the dirt we ran. This never happened. Then I bought a mini Cascade unit and was told we would be sent the unit as soon as Travis got to Prescott. This didn't happen either...With great effort Gene, who sold me the unit, tried his best to reach Travis..that didn't happen for almost ten days. I like the mini Cascade but would suggest a few changes. the painted steel expanded metal for the unit should of been made out of stainless steel as it rusts and leaves rust on the miners mat. Second, both the screens are very difficult to clean the small rocks out of the screen almost making them useless..
    New Member
    New Member

    02 Jul 2014 06:28 PM
    Posted By LARRY WILSON on 02 Jul 2014 05:02 PM
    I did the LDMA outing at Burnt River and found it to be a poorly run fund raiser for LDMA. Additionally, they were giving away gold, that I suspect, was found thru the participants efforts to raise money for LDMA. The management told us that they would let us know what each machine pulled from the dirt we ran. This never happened. Then I bought a mini Cascade unit and was told we would be sent the unit as soon as Travis got to Prescott. This didn't happen either...With great effort Gene, who sold me the unit, tried his best to reach Travis..that didn't happen for almost ten days. I like the mini Cascade but would suggest a few changes. the painted steel expanded metal for the unit should of been made out of stainless steel as it rusts and leaves rust on the miners mat. Second, both the screens are very difficult to clean the small rocks out of the screen almost making them useless..

    I fully agree! Read this http://www.goldprospector...munity/Forum/aft/319 and what about those 2 rivets in the center holding the screen up? They really divert the flow of the water and render the drop screen useless In my opinion.

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