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24 1
Kristophor Timmons
Step 1 of 1

Bit of a walk with equipment down the bike trail.
Bring a quad if ya got one.
Found a little fines in the old tailings haven't found the sweet spot in the benches yet.
Seems like there's only water in the winter and spring.


Some really fine gold

16 0
Jake Carlton
Step 1 of 1

Just went back out the week before Christmas and worked some crevices for about 4 hours and brought some color back. Easy way to do it is I back into the claim light then go back to the camp ground or home with the cons and process them. I don’t own a dry washer yet but that would be the way to go.


5 gold flakes to 50 lead shots

12 0
Trevor Crowell
Step 1 of 1

This was my first time out to a GPAA claim. I enjoyed the drive because of the scenery. Saw some coyotes and one of the ranches have bison so I stopped to watch them for a bit. The campsite and parking area are very easy to find but the hike in is a bit long with all of the equipment but not terrible. Make sure to wear bright colored clothes because I did hear some gun shots close by. Be safe! I spent the day checking the creek bedrock and crevices and only found 5 small flakes with 50 pieces of lead shot (not an estimate). Only later did I did read another member's post in the forum to check the benches so I was just looking in the wrong area. I will go back again soon to give it another shot to see if I do better.


Small gold but it’s there

10 0
Trace Brown
Step 1 of 1

The best gold I found was in front of the large boulders in the streams. This picture was from one pan



9 0
Step 1 of 1

Been to this claim a few times in the past and always did well. Fines and small pickers working bench of hard packed conglomerates with a demo hammer and dry washer. Been hesitant to leave review but do not want to see claim disappear from claims list.
