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Large, promising claim, good spots hard to get to

17 0
Brandon Cooper
Step 1 of 1

This was my first claim I have ever been to. This claim is huge and most of it is hard to access without cutting through thick bush and lots of blackberry and poison oak and steep slopes. Once you get down to the creek there are TONS of spots to prospect; by the looks of it, hardly anyone comes to this claim. Very clean, no trash, and there is a nice flat spot to camp out about 150 yards past the power plant ( you will see a "half well" dug into the ground to the left of the trail that goes down to the creek past the power plant, this is where I camped). I worked the bend right after the power plant and then a bench hidden in some trees about 200 feet down from the bend. There are a lot of huge boulders to dig around that create some great low pressure zones. There wasn't a lot of bedrock exposed but the areas that were hadn't been touched in quite some time. I also wasn't able to find a good spot to set my sluice up because the river was too slow and deep in most parts due to the huge amount of large boulders everywhere (at least in the spot I was at). There is lots of river to work in this claim and I will definitely be back again. The only thing that worries me is most of the claim comes after the power plant and I heard that its not wise to prospect after a dam part of a river/creek. The part before the power plant is the easiest access so I assumed it has been worked pretty well. Another thing is that the claim portion is pretty narrow and doesnt allow for benches to be created. I did some test panning but only found really fine flour gold ( and not much of it). There was lots of black sand though. Again, this was my first time at a claim so I am sure there are tons of characteristics of this claim I did not recognize or overlook, I could also being pulling a lot of rookie mistakes. lots of fun at this claim. I had carried out two 5 gallon buckets of crevice dirt and boulder dirt and will process it at some point this week. Will let you know if there is gold!


Beautiful area

15 0
Johnnie Carrington
Step 1 of 1

This was my first ever GPAA claim visit on 1/22/2023. I had a business meeting in Sacramento and was able to have 1 full day to myself during this trip. Sooooo this being my first time ever in that area as a prospector, I knew exactly how to spend my free day. I read about each claim in the area and this was the best choice for me as I was in a 2 wheel drive vehicle. Most reports say that this is a hard claim to access. I found that to be very false. Maybe it’s because I live in the mountains and do a ton of hiking, but there was a trail near the bridge that lead me right down to the water just past the dam. I think I had to duck about a foot under one tree, that’s it. Also I had a 60L bag on loaded with gear, no issues getting to the water. Walked right to it. I did not use the Ingres point, I drove down to the bridge as this made more sense to me. If you choose to use the Ingres point, then yes it is difficult to get down on the water. Bring a rope to repel down haha. So the gold, it was about 30 degrees unexpectedly to me that morning so I didn’t get to work as much material as I would have liked. I did however manage to get about 6 tests pans from various spots. The water was extremely high due to the recent flooding so all I was able to find was flood gold. I live in the southern load region and let me tell you, the flood gold on this claim blows away the best gold in my area. Grant you I didn’t tip any scales with those 6 pans but when the water levels drops, I can imagine there is good gold in the bedrock here. Every pan had multiple colors and some chunky fly poop size in a few. Haha. I also found my first piece of wire gold in a pan. I will definitely be returning to this claim later in the year. Even if the gold wasn’t good, this area is beautiful. Sometimes the gold isn’t in the pan, it’s in the journey. Heavy pans everyone!


Clean claim

10 0
Michael Ontiveros
Step 1 of 1

Google maps will get you there. Quite a bit of poison oak and ivy both me an my hunting buddy got it, long sleeve and gloves should be considered. Found a little color all flood gold. Lots of shade on this claim.


there is gold on this claim

9 0
Brandon Cooper
Step 1 of 1

10/16/18 - Update to my first post I made. I finally got around to classifying and panning the two 5 gallon buckets I brought home. 1/4" classifier used which sorted it down to about 3/4 of a 5 gallon bucket.

I havent even panned through half the bucket and I am getting some flakes and lots of flour gold.

All the material I got was basically from one large (slightly deep) crevice from the bench in the treeline I mentioned and then I dug under a small waterfall. Although this claim is pretty rugged to maneuver through I will definitely be back!


Nice claim

9 0
Matthew Woodman
Step 1 of 1

Very easy to get to and a clean claim. it can be tricky to get down the creek side lots of steep ground. but all in all not bad. Tons of large boulders that create low pressure zones, but lots of roots. No bedrock but at least a good chance for flood gold in the packed rocks. Only spent the day here but will for sure go back. i got lucky and found a little gold and possibly either silver or platinum still new to this.
