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Use your GPS — 2x4 or 4x4

69 3
Step 1 of 5

Verizon Cell Service works well on all parts of the claim.

From Phoenix or Flagstaff - I-17 to the Hwy 69 - Prescott exit. Travel west on 69 to Iron King Road, turn left onto Iron King Road.

*** Look for the cell tower located at the American Legion hall on the hill on the right side (east) of Hwy 69 just prior to the Iron King Road when you see the tower you need to get into the left hand lane to turn onto Iron King Road which is poorly marked. (see Photo)

**** The main reason for me to name this set of directions "use your GPS" is that Google Maps will most likely not take you across private property and the Iron King Mine spans the road on both sides. I downloaded the Google Map to my iPhone and downloaded the GPS coordinates to my Garmin and choose the one that showed the shortest distance. I would suggest that this becomes your standard procedure.


From paper guide — 2x4 or 4x4

42 4
Dennis Notson
Step 1 of 2

This is what GPAA should put here, the actual info from paper guide. Then members can add to that. It's so easy it took me all of 5 minutes to scan and download these two images from the guide. Of course I can't modify the website, but this is what should be put here for members.


2 WD No More. — 4x4

16 2
Gerald (Jerry) Traylor
Step 1 of 1

All the previous instructions are still accurate. However the last leg of the (what used to be) road has significant erosion enough to remove bumper covers. If you have a 2WD vehicle, your best bet is to park at the top of the hill and hike it in.


Directions from Prescott, Az — 2x4

8 0
Lester Lepore
Step 1 of 1

Go south on route 69 to Dewey Humboldt,+1/2 mile, turn right on Iron King Road/(rough, but do-able), travel 1.5 miles, to just past new cattle fencing, turn left,& choose which part of claim you want to visit- turn right and head Carefully downhill to parking at the creek!


Go carefully but doable 😜 — 2x4

4 2
Troy Baker
Step 1 of 1

Directions from KEVIN HOAGLAND are on spot. Other directions take you to a gate and leave you scratching your head! Made it in with my Subaru, don't rush. Claim has some deep washouts. Found some shiny brought a five gallon bucket home to run through the Keene Gold Wheel. No water but worth exploring with some different equipment.