Congress Group Access — 2x4

Step 1 of 7
Congress Group Access — 2x4
High clearance vehicle recommended, 4x4 may be needed in some of the softer wash areas. Access is northwest of Wickenburg off US 93 by turning north at mile-marker 195 onto Scenic Loop Road. Use caution as there is always lots of truck traffic on this highway.
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To Congress Group from US Hwy. 93 — 2x4

Step 1 of 4
To Congress Group from US Hwy. 93 — 2x4
Head north on US Hwy. 93 out of Wickenburg about 3.5 miles. Look for mile post marker 195 make first right onto Scenic Loop Street. Road is very washboard so take it slow but it is a substantial road.
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Step 1 of 3
Congress Group — 4x4
From Light go about 1.1 miles turn right on Scenic Loop Rd.
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Step 1 of 1
Sarah P — 4x4
This claim you will need a Hi Clearance 4x4 or side by side not a car most of the trails the go up hill the trails are just big rocks .you should get a good GPS and use it to get around the claim
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Can we park before entering the wash? — 2x4
Step 1 of 1
Can we park before entering the wash? — 2x4
We want to join in on the Gold Trails event at the Congress Group claims in February. I'm reading conflicting reports about the Ssandy washes on the way to the claim. In any case, we plan to park our low clearance 21 ft. RV before the first wash at 34.0599750, -112.7478360 aNDnd walk the mIle or so to the event. Is there reasonable parking there before the 1st wash?
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