Prospecting this site really pays off. If you go into the wash, you wont have any fun!
No gold to speak of in the main wash. Get up out of there get into the higher areas and you will find good gold. Hit the benches, just anywhere outside the dry wash will elevate your chances to get some good gold.
The gold I have found has been deep, on bedrock. Old flooded stream bed, you will know you are in the right zone when you dig down past the fine material and get into cobble then a little farther down fist sized rounded stones a little more down and find 12" and greater boulders sitting on bedrock in a way that the material has deformed to the boulders shape to create a pocket. Gold is good between the fist sized stones and the bedrock.
Good locations are areas that gathers very large boulders and out of place boulders that do not match the others in the area and on the surface that have been moved from way, way up stream during massive flood events. And are not in the small dry wash.
This has worked very well for me; I hope it works well for you. And if it does, please post and rate this claim so we can keep it.