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Hard Wages Access — 4x4

10 0
Allen Comstock
Step 1 of 1

Forest Road 462 exits Hwy 410 on the east side of the bridge over Morse Creek. It is not marked! The road is partially washed out. I was able to access the claim in summer of 2016 with a 2x4, but I don't guarantee access now. The claim markers are missing from the road and their is an encroaching claim whose signs are actually on the Hard Wages Claim. At the end of the road there is a real nice camping area with a fire pit and easy access to the creek. Black sand is found throughout the entire area, sometimes just in a layer on the hillside. Watch for wild animals.


To get there — 2x4 or 4x4

7 1
Matt Harris
Step 1 of 1

There is no sign signifying Morse creek. Your looking for the bear Gulch road. Just head up that road through the woods. The road climbs up to the right for a ways then it breaks left and flattens out. There will be a spur to the right about a 1/4 mile past that it opens up and starts branching. That is the claim. Bear gulch turn off is between union creek and the long grade heading up to the pass summit. Pretty much the only road in that area.


Hard Wages Claim - Morse Creek — 4x4

5 0
Stephen Kirschman
Step 1 of 1

Access is right off us WA 410. The road leading to the claim, in my opinion is very rugged. We traveled the route on motorcycles, we made it to the claim but would recommend a four wheeler beater that you don't care about scratches and dings. The campsite is less than two miles off of 410.


Google Maps is spot on — 4x4

2 0
Elliott Strouse
Step 1 of 2

So google maps takes you right to the claim with no confusion, the bear gap sign is fairly new and a good identifier, the road is a bit rough but if your in the hobby it’s like a highway🤣, About the claim it’s self absolutely gorgeous and I will be returning this summer so many places to prospect so to say it’s been overworked I find hard to be true but to each they’re own, Also a huge shout out to Kevin for organizing the get together on June 3rd my guests and I learned a whole lot on how to read and listen to Mother Earth and with your knowledge you graciously passed down to not only my group but to all the greenhorns we’ve successfully recruited a couple more int this amazing community! Thank you again for this last weekend!


Hard Work for Hard Wages — 2x4

1 0
Louis Slimak
Step 1 of 1

Directions as listed in Mining Guide are accurate. The condition of NF462 probably varies from year to year and storm to storm. Today, road was dry and dusty. Ruts and washouts were really bad at the start of 462 going up to the claim. High clearance definitely recommended and 4x4 certain times of the year probably. Otherwise very scenic area. Saw markers for Lulubell claim but not for Hard Wages. Easy to find with GPS.