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He Comes On A White — 4x4

11 4
Step 1 of 1

Exit 88 off 5 toward reservoir right on Whitehorse Creek Rd abought 5 miles sign hard to see but at picnic area 1.9 mi to claim last 100 yards need quad jeep steep and narrow good bedrock showing.


He comes on a white horse — 2x4

2 0
Bernadette Lombardi
Step 1 of 2

Take exit 88 off of I-5 north go right at stop sign on to upper cow Creek Rd. About 5 miles go right onto white horse creek Rd. Go about 1.9 miles claim on right side of Rd. The first picture is white horse creek Rd hard to see.


Overnight and today absolutely beautiful — 2x4

1 0
Jonathan Roach
Step 1 of 2

GPS will take you smack in the middle of both claims. I have read reports on this claim from past years. It sounded like a nightmare and I wasn't sure if I should even bother?.. I'm sure glad I did! What a clean, and beautiful totally awesome little patch of dirt. I stayed Monday night and left Tuesday with no trace. I actually did pick up a few pieces of trash and left it a little better shape than when I got there.
Not much gold but I did get a few pixie pans of fly poop.
I took pictures of the property and road signs in and out.
All that I have to say is thank you. I feel nothing but gratitude for the opportunity. This claim is totally accessible without 4x4 on dry days. I would not advise trying it on a wet day without 4x4 drive.


He comes on a white horse — 2x4 — 2x4

1 1
Richard Boggs
Step 1 of 1

Good directions on previous posts. Claim markers visible on trees on right side of road. The photo of the campsite in the claim guide is sadly out of date.


Check claim signs. — 2x4

0 1
Rob Bennett
Step 1 of 1

The last post on 9/30/23 looks to be at the claim above the gpaa claims. Every claim on Whitehorse creek has "Whitehorse" in the name. Just be sure you are at correct location