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Getting There — 2x4

10 2
Chris Stoehner
Step 1 of 1

From the Conoco in Silverton head south along HWY 550 crossing the bridge just outside of town start looking for Forest Road 31. You will pass by the old Lomodore mine and parallel the train tracks until the road comes to another set of old workings at the Champion Silver mine. Parking here is OK, but we have been asked by the sheriff to leave and not camp here as it is private property.


4x4 — 4x4

9 1
Frederick Beaver
Step 1 of 1

Just got back from here. This claim is inaccessible without extra high profile 4x4.


Easy access — 2x4

7 0
Tyler DeBruyne
Step 1 of 1

I could see the where the road would be underwater in spots if it has been raining, parking area had some dry spots and wet spots. We camped near the old silver mine and had no problems. Other cars from hikers and hunters were parked overnight there as well.


Google maps link to the parking pad — 2x4

1 0
Brett Miller
Step 1 of 1

Copy and paste

This is as close as you can get to the claim boundary. There is a rough foot trail through the willows leading directly across the road from the parking pull-out that will put you on the tracks and eventually crossing into the claim.