Git to a Gold Goings-On!
Dominic Ricci – GPAA/LDMA Executive Director of Operations
On behalf of the Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA) and the Lost Dutchman’s Mining Association (LDMA), Digger would like to personally invite you, your family, kids, and friends to come out and play in the dirt at as many of the 2018 National Events as possible.
These Gold “Goings-On” are hosted at some of our premier LDMA camps throughout the year. Not only will you get to play in the dirt, but you will enjoy fellowship, friendship, fun and outdoor adventures. Oh, and you’ll find some gold, too!

Do you want to find more gold? Invest in yourself to learn more so you can find more gold. Education is gold! Do you want to go out and shovel dirt all day and come home with nothing but a sore back, or do you want the rewards of knowing you studied geology that put you in the right area and you recovered some gold?
Friends, I like to see the gold in my vial increase every time I go out prospecting. I love doing clean-outs where I see a few pickers or small nuggets that I can pull off the nugget trap and mat, then the final pan where the gold pops through the black sands. If I’m going to bust my donkey processing material, I want some gold!
The GPAA and LDMA organizations are a big family. There is so much wealth spread among our members. I’m not talking dollars in the bank or hidden in the Folger’s Coffee can in the back of the pantry. I’m talking members hanging out together, laughing, sharing stories, eating together, talking about where they are digging, what equipment they use, singing around the campfire, working together in search of gold — the list goes on.
We have new family members that want to get started every day, and they need help and guidance from other family members. We all joined not knowing where to start. I ask this of all members, help someone whenever you can, and help someone get introduced to gold prospecting every chance you get (your neighbor has no idea that you are running your super concentrates in your garage). Just think, if every existing member got one other person to get involved, we’d have one heck of a family reunion when we party in the dirt to find more gold.
Digger’s Dirt Parties
Whether you’re just getting started in gold prospecting on the weekends or you’re a seasoned “sourdough” veteran in the dirt for years, the common dig operation, seminars, hands-on instruction and activities offered during these five-day events will help you get the “in the dirt” experience, fun and adventure for you and your whole family... plus some gold, too! In addition to picking up great tips and techniques, the classes and hands-on learning are about the “pick and shovel” of prospecting so you can recover more gold.
Dirt Parties offer fun and are always entertaining. Seminars or workshops are offered daily. Seasoned prospectors are on hand to share their knowledge and expand your dirt-digging talents. If you still have energy left after each event-filled day, there will be entertainment and activities each evening for your further enjoyment.
Dirt Parties are much more than just recovering gold. It’s family and friendship! You will often hear the “ol’ timers” share their stories and experiences about “the club.” I’ll encourage you to partake, and listen at any campfire — the entertainment, history and knowledge is always a hoot! For more information, call 800-551-9707.
Digger’s Swing Dancing Parties
Have you ever danced in the dirt before? Are you unsure that your partner will be there in tune with your every move? Swing to the left, swing to the right, listening with anticipation. At that precise moment, you dip your partner down low to the ground, look deep (not really) into the dirt, and uncover a beautiful target!
It is more than just swinging a detector in the dirt. You will meet people from all over the country who love the thrill of what they can unearth when they hear mineral tones fill their headphones. This will be a good time for all, even the kids!
There are multiple hunts scheduled throughout the day. The hunts are for everybody — brand new to detecting, the pro, and even kids will have their own special hunt for treasures and a learning center.
Swing Dancing Party participants will swing their detectors in the quest of hunting for all types of coins, silver, tokens and more. You may just swagger away with a new metal detector, gold, detector accessories, coins, silver, gold or a rusted out tin can (which may have a secret prize to later be revealed). For more information, call 800-551-9707.
Digger’s Expedition – A Motherlode Experience
Have you been dreaming about dredging or highbanking for some serious gold? Here is your chance! Get ready for a weeklong gold adventure with experienced gold prospectors to guide you to hidden treasure. The Expeditions are set in the heart of two motherlodes — areas that are rich in gold and beauty.
All the gold recovered will be split equally. No one has ever been skunked on a motherlode trip. How much gold will you find? Who can say? The gold is found in pockets and streaks, but the gold is there. And there's always the possibility of making that BIG STRIKE!
The Digger's Expedition is also a learning experience. An often-repeated comment from prospectors returning from the motherlode trip is, “What I learned about dredging and cleaning concentrates on this trip is invaluable,” and they have applied this knowledge to successful prospecting and mining adventures in later years.
Space is limited to a maximum of 20 participants per week, so don’t wait too long to sign up. For more information, call 800-551-9707.
Many people will watch videos online to learn, but I ask you this: Can you ask a video a question? No! You can ask questions at any of Digger’s Happenings. That is Gold!
Digger loves seeing people playing in the dirt and finding gold. Hope to see you, your family, kids and friends at as many Digger’s Happenings as you can partake in.
Digger’s Dirt Parties – 5-Day Common Dig Outing
LDMA Camp – Duisenburg, CA March 7TH – 11TH
LDMA Camp – Stanton, AZ April 4TH – 8TH
LDMA Camp – Scott River, CA May 16TH – 20TH
LDMA Camp – Blue Bucket, OR May 23RD – 27TH
LDMA Camp – Loud Mine, GA June 6TH – 10TH
LDMA Camp – Vein Mountain, NC June 13TH – 17TH
LDMA Camp – Italian Bar, CA June 27TH – July 1ST
LDMA Camp – Loud Mine, GA August 29TH – September 2ND
LDMA Camp – Burnt River, OR September 26TH – 30TH
LDMA Camp – Stanton, AZ October 24TH – 28TH
Digger’s Swing Dancing Parties – 1-Day Detector Hunts
LDMA Camp – Duisenburg, CA March 10TH
LDMA Camp – Stanton, AZ April 7TH
LDMA Camp – Blue Bucket, OR May 26TH
LDMA Camp – Loud Mine, GA September 1ST
LDMA Camp – Burnt River, OR September 29TH
LDMA Camp – Stanton, AZ October 27TH
Digger’s Expedition – A Motherlode Experience – 1-Week Gold Expedition
Colorado (near Steamboat Springs) – Week #1: August 12TH – 18TH
– Week #2: August 19TH – 25TH
Tennessee (near Coker Creek) – Week #1: September 2ND – 8TH
– Week #2: September 9TH – 15TH
Digger loves to Party in The Dirt so look for more Happenings to come!
www.facebook.com/LDMACAMPS/ and click on the “Events” tab for all Parties!