Last Post 18 Jun 2024 02:26 PM by  CHARLES SCHULTZ
Heading to Alaska...
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Dave Barenbrugge
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23 Mar 2024 11:34 AM
    We're finally heading to the frozen tundra after a few years of planning and setbacks.
    Trying to get some info on the GPA claims in/around the Fairbanks area.

    Is there boondock camping available for a 40 trailer at or close to the claims?

    Is it an area where we can set up a highbank and process some dirt?

    Is it easy to find and get the claims?

    I emailed the chapter president for that area and asked for some insight but no return.
    Seems par for the course when trying to communicate with chapters out of my area (AZ).

    I know prospecting is just that...prospecting! Just trying to stay out any BS situations by hauling the trailer all the way to the claim and finding out no camping or boondocking is my biggest concern. Based on my research so far these claims are a bit of a hike out of Fairbanks so I'm trying to get an idea what I'm looking at.
    Any advance help is greatly appreciated.

    23 Mar 2024 12:41 PM
    Dave, sorry I can't give you any information about your upcoming Alaska prospecting adventure, but I would to get your experiences because we have also contemplated a trip through Alaska with our travel trailer.
    Dave Barenbrugge
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    23 Mar 2024 03:17 PM
    I'll give a full report when we return in Oct this year.
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    23 Mar 2024 04:44 PM
    Hey Dave,

    That’s an exciting adventure you’re planning! The wife and I flew from Huntsville, Texas into Anchorage in 2021 and rented a car and traveled/prospected the Seward County (enormous!) claims with my simple backpack sluice/equipment that I carried in a checked bag on the plane. We drove as far up as Healy, but didn’t make it to Fairbanks. You might contact the Chamber of Commerce in Fairbanks for camping information. For Healy, the listing is under Denali Chamber of Commerce. Highbankers/dredges, I was told, were being used at the Petersville Recreational Mining Area (nearly 500 acres!), with enticing reports of good gold being found. We didn’t make it to that location because 4x4 was highly recommended. For that location, contact the Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce for camping information. The mayor there for 20 years was a cat named “Stubbs” LOL 😆! A nice young man shared his nice nuggets that he found at an open mining location somewhere north east of Healy…I don’t remember his name but he worked at the Three Bears grocery/gas station in Healy, which is an excellent place to resupply. Good luck,…don’t eat any yellow snow, or try to pet a moose! We saw some serious critters up there in the month of May and seemed like we virtually had the state to ourselves!
    Dave Barenbrugge
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    24 Mar 2024 10:14 AM
    Posted By BRIAN WILLIAMS on 23 Mar 2024 04:44 PM
    Hey Dave,

    That’s an exciting adventure you’re planning! The wife and I flew from Huntsville, Texas into Anchorage in 2021 and rented a car and traveled/prospected the Seward County (enormous!) claims with my simple backpack sluice/equipment that I carried in a checked bag on the plane. We drove as far up as Healy, but didn’t make it to Fairbanks. You might contact the Chamber of Commerce in Fairbanks for camping information. For Healy, the listing is under Denali Chamber of Commerce. Highbankers/dredges, I was told, were being used at the Petersville Recreational Mining Area (nearly 500 acres!), with enticing reports of good gold being found. We didn’t make it to that location because 4x4 was highly recommended. For that location, contact the Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce for camping information. The mayor there for 20 years was a cat named “Stubbs” LOL 😆! A nice young man shared his nice nuggets that he found at an open mining location somewhere north east of Healy…I don’t remember his name but he worked at the Three Bears grocery/gas station in Healy, which is an excellent place to resupply. Good luck,…don’t eat any yellow snow, or try to pet a moose! We saw some serious critters up there in the month of May and seemed like we virtually had the state to ourselves!

    Thanks Brian!
    Much appreciate your inside info. Yrs ago we did the Alaskan cruise thing and was highly disappointed so now we are going interior.
    Approx 2000 miles to the start of Alcan highway and approx. 1400 miles of the Alcan to Delta Junction.
    We really only have few things in our windshield for now....Denali for a week of hiking...Fairbanks @ the hot springs....GPA Central Alaska group claims... and possibly the Palmer claim area. We'll swing thru Chicken and head to the Yukon from there. Anything else we do will be free lancing and everything is subject to change!
    No yellow snow here...Weird Al warned me yrs ago ;) But I will pet a moose...guaranteed!
    Damon Lewis

    19 Apr 2024 05:24 PM
    I am going to be in Alaska from end of May till middle of October. I have a 6 inch dredge and all permits in place. 2 of my buddies will be in and around Fairbanks till July 17th. If you are willing to beat some brush there is over 50 miles that can be claimed where I am going. If interested message me.
    William Meiners

    19 Apr 2024 05:44 PM
    Take a BIG can of Deet. We dredged the 40mile
    A few years back. Oh and take a gun that starts with a 4. Nothing make you pucker faster than comeing out of the water and finding a Bear helping himself to your lunch 30 feet away. GOOD LUCK.

    29 Apr 2024 01:43 AM
    Will be up in Alaska In July for about 2 weeks. I've been prospecting out of country (my job keeps me away) for about a 1.5 years now. If timing lines up, I'd be open to lending a helping hand and learning from someone who has a bit more experience when it comes to claims and prospecting in the US.
    Dave Barenbrugge
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    05 May 2024 10:14 AM
    Posted By Damon Lewis on 19 Apr 2024 05:24 PM
    I am going to be in Alaska from end of May till middle of October. I have a 6 inch dredge and all permits in place. 2 of my buddies will be in and around Fairbanks till July 17th. If you are willing to beat some brush there is over 50 miles that can be claimed where I am going. If interested message me.

    Hi Damon....
    Just seen your reply. Sorry, as I don't check everyday. I tried to figure out how to DM you but can't figure that out either.
    We'll be contacted to email thru starlink. Not leaving AZ till june 15... probably be in the Fairbanks area the first week of July?
    Love to get together and move some dirt.

    Thanks for your reply.
    Regards Dave
    Dave Barenbrugge
    New Member
    New Member

    05 May 2024 10:16 AM
    Posted By William Meiners on 19 Apr 2024 05:44 PM
    Take a BIG can of Deet. We dredged the 40mile
    A few years back. Oh and take a gun that starts with a 4. Nothing make you pucker faster than comeing out of the water and finding a Bear helping himself to your lunch 30 feet away. GOOD LUCK.

    LOL...thanks for the heads up!
    Dave Barenbrugge
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    New Member

    05 May 2024 10:20 AM
    Posted By JEFFREY ZEMBRISKI on 29 Apr 2024 01:43 AM
    Will be up in Alaska In July for about 2 weeks. I've been prospecting out of country (my job keeps me away) for about a 1.5 years now. If timing lines up, I'd be open to lending a helping hand and learning from someone who has a bit more experience when it comes to claims and prospecting in the US.

    Hi Jeffery...
    I'll check my email on occasion when we reach the big state of AK.

    Thanks...maybe we can get together. Our schedule is pretty loose and highly undocumented :)

    Regards Dave
    James Makerney

    07 Jun 2024 05:57 PM
    Myself and a couple of life long friends and 1 12 year old grandson will be in Fairbanks the first week of August and would like any info/advice on where to go prospecting please
    Damon Lewis

    07 Jun 2024 10:35 PM
    I am going to be split between Fairbanks, Circle and Chicken over the summer. The claim I will be on in Fairbanks is not mine but I will ask the owner if he minds.
    Dave Barenbrugge
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    08 Jun 2024 12:35 AM
    Sounds like fun.
    Your idea of Alaska is close to ours. Fairbanks, Denali, Circle and Chicken.
    The only reservation we have as of now is Chicken july 24 for a week.
    We'll have computer connection the entire time.
    Shoot me an email and maybe we can catch up and move some dirt.
    I'm set up for highbanking but open to about anything to chase the color.
    Dave Barenbrugge
    New Member
    New Member

    08 Jun 2024 11:49 AM
    Posted By james makerney on 07 Jun 2024 05:57 PM
    Myself and a couple of life long friends and 1 12 year old grandson will be in Fairbanks the first week of August and would like any info/advice on where to go prospecting please

    It's a tough road getting intel on anything in Alaska. Not sure why but I've emailed chapter presidents numerous times with zero response.
    Best I can tell you is refer to your guide book. There are GPA claims north of Fairbanks we'll have a look at when we're up there.
    Good luck and hope you fill your pans with color.

    James Makerney

    12 Jun 2024 12:04 PM
    Ok cool and thank you. My email
    James Makerney

    12 Jun 2024 12:08 PM
    Ok cool and thank you. My email

    18 Jun 2024 02:26 PM
    I will be in Alaska from July 1st until the 18th planning on doing some Metal detecting hopefully when I come back, I’ll be able to give a good report. And if anyone can give me a good report of a area that might be promising for Metal detecting would be appreciated.
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