Last Post 07 Nov 2022 09:30 AM by  JIM BROTHERS
Plumas County GPAA
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Jeremy DeCell

19 Mar 2022 06:17 PM
    Hello, Has anyone been to Grizzly Gold or Nugget Trap 2 yet in 2022? Thinking about going up soon. Any snow or road closer. Any other recommendations for that area. Thanks
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    20 Mar 2022 01:20 AM
    Hey Jeremy, wish I could meet up with you but stuck in Texas with nearly $4.00 gallon liquid gold, aka…gasoline! I love Plumas County and have had experience/success on GPAA Little Grizzly Creek claims and the Nugget Trap. Grizzly Creek has been hammered in areas but still carries gold, study and dig the benches. Most of the gold likely originated and washed down from the old Walker Mine, however, I believe there’s likely to be gold/quartz stringers closer to/on the claims…I found a nice piece of gold on a bench that hadn’t traveled far from it’s source. Nugget trap has deep gravels and requires strategic deep digging, but has gold. Not sure of the weather conditions there currently, but likely some cold sluicing conditions. Nugget Trap likely burned in the Dixie Fire, not sure about the Grizzly claims. Be VERY CAREFUL of burned out trees in the area!!! My claims on a different creek have holes up to three feet wide and six feet deep where trees were burned out!!! Very dangerous, especially when covered with debris and pine needles…BUT…provide EXCELLENT places to prospect, hint, hint. Fires also cleared the area of white thorn brush, which is a real hindrance to prospecting. Good luck and be careful. Let someone know where you are at if you’re by yourself and check in with them. Advanced Geologic in Chester has some good claims for sale on the Little Grizzly if you want to own your own. Brian
    Jeremy DeCell

    20 Mar 2022 03:46 PM
    Hi Brian, Thanks for the Info! I will be heading up hopefully at the end of the month. I am paying $6.46 in Mammoth Lakes right now for gas... I am getting jumpy so I will pay the price. Thank again for the info.
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    20 Mar 2022 04:52 PM
    😳Ouch! Then I won’t complain too much about $3.79 in Huntsville Texas.
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    21 Mar 2022 01:15 AM
    FYI to all, I just checked Advanced Geologic website for claims that are currently for sale. I initially contemplated purchasing Big Bear Placer and/or Little Grizzly Bar Extension from Advanced Geologic before purchasing the claims I have now. Incredibly, both claims are still available! I leaned more towards the Little Grizzly Bar Extension due to larger benches and the stream coming off the mountain intersecting Little Grizzly Creek on the claim…great potential. There’s still gold to be recovered there. I’ve had success with Charlie/Advanced Geologic. I also utilize their filing service…which has saved me a lot of headaches, especially last year with the California BLM state office backlog. I encourage anyone to consider making him an offer on either of the claims. Owning your own claim is the next dimension of gold prospecting happiness .
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    20 Oct 2022 09:07 AM
    Posted By BRIAN WILLIAMS on 21 Mar 2022 01:15 AM
    FYI to all, I just checked Advanced Geologic website for claims that are currently for sale. I initially contemplated purchasing Big Bear Placer and/or Little Grizzly Bar Extension from Advanced Geologic before purchasing the claims I have now. Incredibly, both claims are still available! I leaned more towards the Little Grizzly Bar Extension due to larger benches and the stream coming off the mountain intersecting Little Grizzly Creek on the claim…great potential. There’s still gold to be recovered there. I’ve had success with Charlie/Advanced Geologic. I also utilize their filing service…which has saved me a lot of headaches, especially last year with the California BLM state office backlog. I encourage anyone to consider making him an offer on either of the claims. Owning your own claim is the next dimension of gold prospecting happiness .

    Brian can you email me? I want to ask you a couple questions off channel.....

    Robert Kavcich

    02 Nov 2022 05:49 PM
    I sent you an email. If you have questions about Advanced Geologic and purchasing claims from them, let me know by replying.

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    07 Nov 2022 09:30 AM
    Thank you Robert

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