Last Post 17 Nov 2021 09:38 PM by  BRIAN WILLIAMS
Interested in suggestions of where to go.
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John Day

13 Nov 2021 09:35 PM
    Being elderly and disabled my wife and I would like to go now the weather has cooled down. I live in New Mexico and anything within a tank of gas is game for us. Have a few pans for panning but would like to just metal detect also. My Nox800 and F75 is most likely not up to the task. Would like mine tailings and such.

    We have five small dogs we would like to bring as we dont want to kennel them. If there was a hotel of cabin that would work as I do not want to subject my wife to any more inconvenience than necessary. Also any camp grounds that would allow my tent and dogs also would work.

    Looking for spots along the I10 corridor between Phoenix and El Paso. Again anything within a 100 miles of these places is preferred.

    I know some of you must have done your homework or even visited some places and if your willing to share that would be great.

    I have a book of claims here somewhere. I have a AWD suby but also have a very capable jeep so doesn't have to be a hard top road. Looking to get a garmin for nav as I dont trust AT&T signal lol.

    Again my initial preferences is detecting and panning. I have not invested into and dry washers or such equipment yet. I think crushing and processing would be awesome also but physically limited and if wife comes would have to be withing radio range.

    If you can help Im all ears, thanks in advance.
    David St John

    14 Nov 2021 05:34 PM
    Grey back group claim would be great for you. Easy access, drive right up to the arroyo. I25 north to Caballo then west a few miles. There is a campground at i25 and the highway to the claim. Lakeview campground. Sorry, forget which highway. It's between Caballo and Hillsboro. I did pretty good there couple years ago
    New Member
    New Member

    17 Nov 2021 09:38 PM
    Hey John, I also recommend that you look at the Rivers Gold Group on the San Miguel River, south of Norwood, Colorado. I understand that it’s farther away from your desired area, but it’s an easy access claim group with excellent potential…check out the information I posted a month or so ago about prospecting the claims. There are accommodations in Norwood Colorado and campsites nearby along the river. Check the weather forecast before you go to make sure a cold snap doesn’t get you. Beautiful area, not many people, great gold potential,…and the snakes will be denned up now! Also, your dog pack should be safe now from the big and wild kitty cats that reside there. They prefer warm weather. Good luck and God bless 🤝, Brian Williams
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