Last Post 13 Oct 2020 11:07 PM by  DAVID LEES
Bautista 1 and 2
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13 Oct 2020 11:07 PM
    had a great time exploring and rock hounding Bautista claim 1 and 2..found a variety of minerals ...including:
    white onyx.. red garnet cluster...lepidolite....i think...purple semi transparent stone...gem quality silica...small garnets in the wash were plentiful...i think i have one rock with gold in it but not sure i will have to test it...lotsa mica out there...the claim has changed a lot from the big flood from last winter there are plenty of big granite boulders right by the road now that used to be on the east side of the claim....i plan on going back with my drywasher n trying my luck for some gold...i havent been out to this claim in years...was glad i went...and will go again...
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