FRANK NOVAK New Member Posts:87 
10 Sep 2020 04:27 PM |
Well here is one that surpasses the Fenn's cache. It contains 6 brass chests filled with gold and silver coins, gems like rubies and eneralds, rare artifact, etc. There are also 6 smaller containers and a glass skull fulled with loot. The clues are in a novel,"Gallows Harbor, Blood Feud" which is in the kickstart program right now. This ghost town is on the west branch of the Susquehanna River In Clearfield Co. PA. I have been prospecting and treasure hunting all over the USA since the '70s and this is the biggest cache I have seen so far.
Ronald Wilson Greenhorn Posts:2 
11 Sep 2020 01:17 PM |
i have been reading and watching the you tube videos , im originally from back there and can say this is one hell of a chase for these chest i think i have a general location but the area has since changed due to this last bit of storms with the heavy rain!! so much fun
FRANK NOVAK New Member Posts:87 
15 Sep 2020 07:37 PM |
Well Ron Gallows harbor is an old ghost town. Not much left of it. It shows up on USCGS maps and probably on those high detailed 'book' type maps. Google it and it is there also. It's right on the west branch of the Susquehanna. It's fairly flat by the river, but quickly turns into stons cliffs with many caves, and it has it's share of rattle snakes also. All the clues are in the book Gallows Harbor Blood Feud. You have to preorder the book on Kickstart.
FRANK NOVAK New Member Posts:87 
16 Sep 2020 07:47 PM |
I have been doing my research on this cache. A map from the book was released to those that have pre ordered the book "Gallows Harbor Blood Feud" I have checked some of it out and believe The 6 treasure chests may be in several North East states. I spotted ( Devils Hopyard ) on the map. That is a State Park in CT. I haven't figured out the other locations yet like Hawyhron Hall. It only shows up as an estate in England. Anyone else working on this? .. New info leads me to think the 6 big brass treasure chests are in 3 states, PA, CT, & MASS. I figure each chest is worth over $100,000. & there are many smaller caches as well. Now is the time to preorder the book with all the clues in it. NOTE: The official listing for the cache sites states PA, Mass, &NY so it's going to require his book to Zero in on the caches. Good luck!
FRANK NOVAK New Member Posts:87 
08 Oct 2020 10:52 PM |
According to official word, the 6 chests are hidden in PA. (It's been narrowed down to a ghost town of Gallows Harbor), NY , and Mass. The book,Gallows Harbor, Is written but It isn't printed yet, so you are still in on the ground floor of this hunt. I will be going after the 2 chests in PA. I have just repaired my Hays 2 box detector. It will pick up at 6' in all directions. The chests are hidden, not buried. There are stone foundations and caves all in and around this ghost town. I have preordered the book which is a good novel, if a bit goolish, and has the clues in it. For contact info check out the Treasureman site on Facebook or the webb, yes there are two sites. Good luck.