Last Post 12 Mar 2020 07:07 PM by  William Hall
Equipment for hard to reach planes
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Joshua Renteria
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10 Mar 2020 06:28 PM
    I found a creek that is hard to get too and open for claims I’m hoping to get out in a few weeks to do some samples to see if it’s worth claiming. The drive Requires requires four-wheel-drive that’s okay. The hard part is I need to go A half of a mile down stream to the creek then another half a mile to get To the blm land in a box canyon if this area checks out what equipment would you suggest I have a few months to think what to do looking for ideas better then mine.
    William Hall

    10 Mar 2020 06:59 PM
    A half of a mile down stream to the creek

    I'm assuming a wet operation, sorry cant offer help on dry
    Small backpack, folding sluice, classifier, pans, scoop, screwdriver, small hand dredge
    bottled water, snacks, first aid kit, camera for the money shot LOL
    This would be a start

    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    10 Mar 2020 08:38 PM
    Thanks William yes it’s going to be wet
    Joshua Renteria
    New Member
    New Member

    12 Mar 2020 01:42 PM
    I’m hoping to go check the claim out in 2 weeks when the weather clears. I’m hoping the land owner gets back to me I have found 2 4x4 roads that will get me .3 to the claim just need there blessing. Or it’s a 1.5 mile hike down and up a slope
    William Hall

    12 Mar 2020 07:07 PM

    That where the backpack comes in handy
    I have my sluice, pans, classifiers, scoop, looking glass, hand tools, stool, cons container, tie on a bucket or two
    Keep your hands free, to carry a shovel, cooler or protect yourself
    Hope your exploration meets your expectations

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