Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
16 Nov 2019 09:08 PM |
Met with a landowner today and was granted access to over a 1/4 mile of bedrock exposed creek. Took a few test pans and didnt find any black sands. Pretty dry but has deep pools everywhere. Lots of super mineralized rock and quartz/round gravel bars everywhere, really looking forward to taking my pick and shovel(the tools, not the magazine and paper lol) back with me and seeing what i can find. Looks super promising tho. Thoughts?
Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
16 Nov 2019 09:10 PM |
Cant figure out how to attach pics but i put a post on the gpaa/ldma facebook group
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
18 Nov 2019 03:28 PM |
Where are you located you found no black sands? Your plan seems sound. Do what you can with the time you got. Take a few test pans at different layers and on the bedrock. The shallowest stretches of bare bedrock can have the gold washed off it.
Gary Warren Greenhorn Posts:12 
18 Nov 2019 06:01 PM |
Im in georgia. The claim is in the drainage system of graves mountain, and very productive gold and mineral mine in the middle georgia gold belt. Going back in the morning to focus on a huge inside bend gravel deposit. And work some more of a hole i started on a bedrock dropoff crevice. Tons of potential areas for gold to drop on the claim and due to financial reasons and transportation issues its the only land i have available to work at the moment.
Lee Johnson New Member Posts:46 
27 Dec 2019 12:51 AM |
What part of ga are you in and what part is the claim in
David Hay New Member Posts:54 
27 Dec 2019 01:50 AM |
Welcome Gary and good luck to ya, Despite transportation and financial concerns sounds like you may have a very promising location. Better than the glacier gold here. Good on you for getting permission, treat it like we do here on morel mushroom spots, private info. If the landowner gets overrun they might shut everyone out. Have fun.