Last Post 30 Aug 2019 06:45 PM by  William Hall
Nuggets, Pickers and Flakes?
 2 Replies
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Jaron Yankovich

30 Aug 2019 02:58 AM
    Hi there fellow prospectors, it’s always been an ongoing debate. Is it a Nugget, picker or a flake? I wanted to know your insight on how different sizes of gold is classified in your mind. I’m interested to hear everyone’s opinion, so let me know what you think.
    Allen Jennings
    New Member
    New Member

    30 Aug 2019 09:36 AM
    Flake or fleck is anything you have to wet your finger to pick up.

    Picker is anything you don't have to wet your finger to pick up (two tries max to pick it up lol) but is just not impressive enough to be called a nugget.

    Nugget is anything that you don't have to wet your finger to pick up, makes a nice 'clank' when dropped into a pan, and is impressive. You'll know when it's impressive too, you find yourself saying things like "wha-hoooooooooooooo"!

    I used to think anything you found with a metal detector would classify as a nugget but this year I got a Gold Monster. Using the above criteria it finds flakes, pickers and nuggets!

    William Hall

    30 Aug 2019 06:45 PM
    Allan has said it all

    And your first nugget, will make you want to get up and dance and yell WHAOOOOO
    unless there are others around, dont wanna give it away

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