Richard Elliott Greenhorn Posts:2 
02 Feb 2019 11:48 PM |
Ok so I just joined and was wondering if there is an online user friendly map of all the claims. I see you can search an area online and get claims, but you have to go through every one to figure out where they are. Is there a spot on this site where the claims are mapped out with names so it's easier to search. I plan to spend the next month or two driving from Mammoth Lakes Ca. To Tucson and hitting our claims and doing other prospecting along the way, so just would like a nice user friendly map if it's available. Either way no worries. I can go through them individually. I have my new member kit and claim guide being sent to Tucson as I'm leaving Monday and wasn't sure about shipping time. Though looking online at claims seems fine. Thanks in advance for your help.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
03 Feb 2019 05:04 PM |
I’m not aware of a map. Best bet might be to use the search tool for various areas you want to check out. Do you live in Mammoth? I’m in Lone Pine. Also a new member.
Richard Elliott Greenhorn Posts:2 
05 Feb 2019 11:14 PM |
Yes I've been in Mammoth for a while, but will probably be leaving tomorrow to prospect around SoCal and Arizona until it starts warming up. Was going to leave yesterday but this storm was no joke. Every side street up here is just one lane now. One of the biggest storms that I can remember.
Bill McCoy New Member Posts:42 
05 Feb 2019 11:26 PM |
Yeah, you guys got slammed by this storm. Safe travels! In the future, let me know if you'd like to get together to do some prospecting.
Gary Whited Highbanker Posts:120 
05 Feb 2019 11:29 PM |
I was in Quartzite, AZ last week. The Flat Foot claim is close to the BLM campgrounds and as a result it has a lot of trash that interferes with metal detecting. The center wash areas are best for detecting and sluicing. The weather was outstanding for any type of prospecting.
Peter Cahill Greenhorn Posts:2 
20 Feb 2021 02:34 PM |
If you got the guide book with your membership there is maps in it. Very useful book.
Richard Almo Greenhorn Posts:14 
20 Feb 2021 06:40 PM |
are you Richard Elliott the great saxophone player?
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
20 Feb 2021 08:28 PM |
Not a map like that at present, but has been brought up. About the best you can do is either look at the online guide by state and county, if you know what counties your going through. Or download the GPS coordinates from the guide for center and ingress, and mark with pins on a GPS mapping system, ie google earth. The printed guide does have topo map sections showing the claim layouts. Your kit should show up in a couple weeks, depending on weather and covid.
Usarian Skiff Greenhorn Posts:9 
31 Mar 2021 04:11 PM |
I was just looking for a map as well Since that is not available, what about downloading the database as a CSV..? That way we can import it into mapping software
Christopher Satkowski Highbanker Posts:112 
31 Mar 2021 05:32 PM |
GPAA claim maps for all claims nationwide does not exist. If cords are not listed in the Guide or the online program, I go to the county recorder site to see the Township, Range Section, qarter, qarter/qarter. etc.. that the original filing has. From there, I go to a website that has PLSS like, and I get GPS cords. I think the GPAA has 350+ claims and this is not the first time this has been brought up, so what I listed above is the only way I found to get accurate claim coordinates. Either that, or asking until someone else who has done the work answers.
Jack Hutchens Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 May 2021 12:05 PM |
I'm new to GPAA to so far we have been doing the seek and though shall find way of going to claims. Just be sure to check your driving directions. Our first outing was an adventure lol. If it says 4x4 it means 4x4 and make sure to look for 4x4 or 2x6 Happy mining
Jack Hutchens Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 May 2021 12:51 PM |
Just got off the phone with the gpaa office , if you go to the learn in the top of the bar on the website. There is a learn on the bar. Open that the entire open publication, then open the March April 2021 issue of the magazine. Now go to page 30 and there is a map of sorts. They are trying to figure out a interactive map but for now that's it! I was told do your research because there were a couple mistakes. Happy mining
Jack Hutchens Greenhorn Posts:3 
21 May 2021 12:51 PM |
Just got off the phone with the gpaa office , if you go to the learn in the top of the bar on the website. There is a learn on the bar. Open that the entire open publication, then open the March April 2021 issue of the magazine. Now go to page 30 and there is a map of sorts. They are trying to figure out a interactive map but for now that's it! I was told do your research because there were a couple mistakes. Happy mining
DAN PASKAN Greenhorn Posts:1 
04 Jul 2021 09:26 PM |
Good luck finding most claims ,harder to find than the gold ,there usually not marked and know boundary markers so you don’t know where your at.the directions if there available are usually submitted by the members if your lucky ,there are gps coordinates but if your using a smart phone and there’s knowvcell service ,it don’t help much.every claim should be marked with driving directions that you can understand. Thanks D.P.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
04 Jul 2021 10:51 PM |
Dan- I agree that directions can be sketchy at times. Most members don't post or file a report on getting back from a claim, so updates on directions can be hard to come by. When you go, fill out a report in the online guide for that claim in the "getting there", and what you did, used, and success or lack of in the "prospecting" section. Gross errors, call the office or mail in with problem and corrections. GPAA reimburses the actual claim owners for making claims available for the membership, but it still falls on the actual owner to take care of the paperwork, yearly filings and recordings. Owners should also make sure that claim signs are up and current, but not all do, especially if they don't live locally and close to the claim. Claim markers and signs have a habit of disappearing overnight in some areas unless they are high enough to be out of reach of someone standing in a truck bed. In addition, not all states require corners be marked if claims follow survey lines denoting subdivisions of sections. As an owner of two claims in the guide, my partner and I try our best to stay on top of ours, and the other one our chapter has adopted and take care of.
Ron Graham Greenhorn Posts:6 
06 Dec 2021 08:11 PM |
People are rarely going to post about finding gold (or finding the claims) because generally they simply dont want company sharing what their finding. Thete are exceptions I'm sure but sadly few and far between. I live near several GPAA claims that have had dozens of visitors since I moved here...and I've yet to see a single report off any of them. That said, half the reports I've seen are of little to no value really...generally they say"spent a couple hours metal detecting (likely not far from the road) and didnt find a thing". If you cant spend more than a couple hours and be willing to go where most won't, you'll rarely find anything on any of these claims.
Joseph Zuppa Greenhorn Posts:7 
04 Mar 2022 01:58 AM |
Any updates on this interactive map.... It would sure be handy :)
Gary Kessell Greenhorn Posts:24 
04 Mar 2022 08:53 AM |
Posted on GPAA site
Joseph Zuppa Greenhorn Posts:7 
04 Mar 2022 01:24 PM |
Thanks Gary..... I need to look more closely as i could not find it
Joe Hamel Greenhorn Posts:6 
02 Apr 2022 01:25 AM |
|,47.409764940649886,-120.97500128383969 . I don't know if this will help, this is claim maps of BLM mining claims. It is fully interactive and covers the USA. Hope it helps.