Great thread!
There are a few places listed here I've yet to check out, so THANKS! I like to feel somewhat well rounded when it comes to reviewing.
For my own personal review - my TOP pick for pay dirt is MDV over at
I'm in Missouri, That state containing no gold right?

So I'm kinda stuck with my options - with that, I to have tried many places,
Amazon, Yuba, decent for the price
Gold rush pay dirt - yeah, the show. This is a team working with Parker. The idea is awesome, ( if you like Parker and Gold rush ) but the ROI is horrible. I wont dis them anymore than that as They HAVE produced some pretty amazing things for me, ( owner of a John Schnable and Parker Schnable autograph. How cool is that? )
GoldHog, awesome stuff, the gems do rock! more importantly, his Goldhog mats just ROCK at picking up the fine gold through my sluice. The guy is also just a serious wealth of information.
Crissom mine, again, really great stuff here, the gem backs are LOADED with kick butt rocks and gems. the gold is chunky GA gold at its finest.
Jimbo's Gold, ( won a bag from ( really great site with amazing people ) was extremely impressed with the bag I got, I may at some point revisit this guy.
point being, I've tried quite a few. Canada, Alaska ( Eureka ) Colorado, Arizona, GA ) They all have good points, some way better than others..
but hands down, I will, and always will remain a faithful customer to
He has, without a doubt, never sold me a light bag of cons. The ROI has always been tops and the gold itself, chunky chunky and clunky!
( When my mom and mom in law ask me what I want for birthday and christmas - I send them this link! )
I think besides the fact his pay dirt pays off ( big time ), is that the guy has been THE most personable guy in this business I've ever met. Truly a class act.
For any sellers out there looking to succeed in this business. This is a guy to mirror yourself to..
so yeah, That's my story - I'm stickin to it..
I've tried quite a few, only had a few that were really disappointments.. has never. ever. been one of them.