Last Post 24 May 2014 10:20 AM by  Harold Kehler
ore assayer
 13 Replies
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Harold Kehler

19 May 2014 03:34 PM


       Looking for  an ASSAYER LOCAL Temecula-Riverside Ca. area 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    19 May 2014 04:58 PM
    With the GPAA side of your membership you should get a couple of freebies from the organization, or has that gone away s well?  If not, the office should be able to tell you who they use.
    Dominic Ricci
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    19 May 2014 05:31 PM
    Bring it by the GPAA Office so we can look at it.
    Tim Leibel

    19 May 2014 06:05 PM
    Hey, post a picture so the rest of us can see it
    Dominic Ricci
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    19 May 2014 06:12 PM
    Here is the last two ore samples brought in . . .
    Tim Leibel

    19 May 2014 06:19 PM
    ROFLMAO, I am glad that you all have a sense of humor too. One of the reasons I like this group, good people having some fun together.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    19 May 2014 09:12 PM
    If you wish to bring a sample to the office we offer a visual inspection of material. We ask that it be crushed and approx 31 grams. We are not set up to perform certified fire assays. If you are in need of these services, we recommend that you contact at least three companies and have discussions with them. This will allow you to make an informed decision on who will be doing your work.
    When looking for an assayer ask how they perform their service, from preparation to bead. If you are sending raw lode or residue ore to a company be sure to send an even mix of material. Do not send what you feel is the High Grade material only, unless you have tones of the exact same material you are sending to the assayer your runs will be skewed and in some cases a money loser over a money maker.
    Now with that all said, Harold is there is particular reasoning for wanting a local assayer? When I seek outside services I use a number of companies across the western states.
    Harold Kehler

    21 May 2014 04:27 PM

    Thanks for the interest , sorry for the delay in getting back still having trouble getting on the web site since its been changed and had an auction to cover.

    The sample came from south of the border. I told the claim owner I would have it assayed. I know years ago when I first joined the GPAA  they offered with a membership 

    two free ore assay's . don.t know if that is still available? I'll take a picture of it a post it later it is a very pretty specimen Looks like a silver ore.






     May 21, 2014

    I know it has pyrite in it and he has some very nice specimens of pure pyrite some of the best I've seen

    the pic's don't do it justice not very clear


    Ronald Peterson
    New Member
    New Member

    21 May 2014 07:08 PM
    Harold, there is an old saying, " never guess, do a test " on an ore sample. I would recommend doing a Xray spectrometer analysis for 64 elements along with a fire assay for gold and silver. Seems like everyone is looking for gold only these days. There are other elements out there if found in a large enough quantity could make you rich also. If you can afford the extra cost of checking your sample for the platinum group metals, that could prove to be a money maker also. What ever you decide to do, best luck on you striking it rich or just being comfortable. Ron 
    Harold Kehler

    22 May 2014 08:40 AM

          Ronald: I agree Thats why I'm looking for an assayer Xray or fire 

        Need a ph# or address of a business local hopefully

    Leo Lorenz
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    22 May 2014 01:36 PM

    Hi Harold,

    I found some stuff that looks very similar to yours. I found mine in Pershing Co, Nevada and I was going to post pictures too but kept getting errors on the file size?? I was thinking mine is some sort of oxidized silver ore...maybe acanthite. Does yours break apart very easy? I have some of it in lumps likes yours but much also in pulverized.

    Harold Kehler

    23 May 2014 10:25 AM

       Hi Leo.

          No it doesn't crumble very solid and has a metallic. crystalline, shiny structure.

      In answer to Kevin's and Dominic.   I'll bring it by the office when are you there?

       and Kevin I would like to do it local to support a local assayer and could have personal contact with it.and the person doing the job.


    Ronald Peterson
    New Member
    New Member

    23 May 2014 06:17 PM
    Harold,The closest lab i know of in your area is Reed Laboratories located in Carlsbad, CA at 3355 Lincoln Street. The phone # is 760-720-0427. Best to call them first, before driving there to see if they allow people coming to the place of business. Also get a hold of the I.C.M.J.'s Prospecting and Mining Journal and look for assayers that have placed their ads in there. Also put your search engine to work and Google " Assayers " sometimes that will prove helpful. Hope that helps and gets you closer to what your looking for. Ron
    Harold Kehler

    24 May 2014 10:20 AM

      Thanks Ron 

    I'll give a try. Will let you guy's know the results


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