Last Post 19 Jul 2016 09:24 AM by  Christine Gold
Gold Well Vortex Sluice
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Christine Gold
New Member
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04 Jul 2016 09:28 AM

    Looking at different sluices and came across the Vortex sluice.  Does anyone have one of these or have used one of these?  Thinking about buying one.

    Does anyone have any experience/opinions?



    William Hall

    04 Jul 2016 10:26 AM

    Long ago in the old GPAA forum, the inventor presented the gold well sluice to the masses
    but due to the price which was extreme at the time and his very defensive attitude, it wasn't well received
    I believe he was trying to recover his R&D investment on the first few he sold

    I have seen the sluice used on one of the large operations on the Bearing sea out of Nome

    Its a great idea and probably does a good job in separating materials
    However at the time, no info or look at's were provided, probably to keep others from copying
    They are still pricy, if you are a full time miner processing a lot of material, maybe
    but unless the price in your opinion is reasonable there may be better options available to you
    My other concern would be weight, I believe they are made of billet aluminum
    If moving any distance, weight may be an issue

    If you do purchase one, please provide some feed back to the rest of us

    Christine Gold
    New Member
    New Member

    04 Jul 2016 04:29 PM

    Great information, Bill. Thanks.  Still looking and will let everyone know if I go with the Vortex and the success I have. 

    Thanks again --- Chris Gold


    Christine Gold
    New Member
    New Member

    19 Jul 2016 09:24 AM

    Well we took the plunge and bought a Vortex sluice. Saw a demo of this unit by a couple of very well respected prospectors in our area. They has 2 of these in different sizes (6x36 like ours and a 12x60). They both were amazing! Caught the really fine flour type gold very easily and completely. It was a tad on the spendy side, but I think it will do the job.

    I've attached some pic's of our new unit. We went with a recirculating setup as we are in the desert of AZ and have to pack our own water. We built all of the plumbing ourselves, not a tough job and fun to do.  The hose on the floor is totally detachable and is used to drain the tub back to our tank when it's time to move. We've got a 2200 GPH bilge pump that really puts out the flow. Can't wait to give it a test run. Possibly this upcoming weekend.

    Please let me know what you think. I'd appreciate any/all comments.

    Chris --------------------------------------

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