EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
09 May 2016 10:47 AM |
Travis Nix Greenhorn Posts: 
21 May 2016 03:51 PM |
I live in Winnemucca and would be interested in more info on the rye patch claim.. can you message me?
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
23 May 2016 01:56 PM |
It's a 20 acre unpatented placer claim on blm land. Multiple washout easy enough to get there. I only found a little gold before i had to leave due to my mom who was with me broke a rib who is doing good. I'm stuck in elko right now with truck getting repaired.
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
02 Jun 2016 08:55 PM |
SHERI MILNER Greenhorn Posts:1 
07 Jun 2016 09:35 AM |
Can you send more info on the Grant, Oregon claim? Good, decent claim? Easy access? Map? Has it been worked over? Open to dredging or mechanized placer mining, i.e. dry washing, etc.?
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
11 Jun 2016 06:47 PM |
I'm also lowering rye patch unpatented 20 acre claim to $2000 plus transfer it is in section #8 .
Edward Ciechanowski Greenhorn Posts:4 
19 Jun 2016 04:06 PM |
Would you send me more information on the grants pass claim? I am interested in the area and will be headed that way within the next 60 days.
Water on the claim? what can you tell me about it.
ARTHUR WAUGH Advanced Member Posts:967 
20 Jun 2016 06:10 AM |
His Oregon claim is in central Oregon in the John Day area (Grant County), not down around Grants Pass (City) on the west side.
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
21 Jun 2016 09:05 PM |
Yeah sorry about that I hadn't realized ii left out county for the Oregon claim
JIM SHANNON Highbanker Posts:105 
07 Aug 2016 02:07 PM |
Did you ever sell those claims ?
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
15 Aug 2016 11:05 AM |
No still for sale but I have to put it on hold till I hear from BLM on yearly fees I paid. Just to make sure still registered to me. Wouldn't want to sell something not mine anymore.
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
26 Aug 2016 05:31 PM |
Claims open for sale again
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
21 Sep 2016 06:10 PM |
I'm lowering prices to $1750 plus $250 fee for a total $2000 each claim
Sam Britch Greenhorn Posts:22 
27 Sep 2016 03:26 PM |
Any more info on the Oregon claim? Easy access? mined over, etc?
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
27 Sep 2016 09:01 PM |
It sits right next to the road and had one of those big dredges go through in the 40 or 50s.there is the tailings along side the water. It is not open to dredging
Joshua Jackson Greenhorn Posts:2 
06 Oct 2016 01:15 PM |
Hey Edmond, can you tell me about the Nevada claim, elevation, road access, parking, lay of the land, etc? Thanks!!
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
06 Oct 2016 10:40 PM |
The Nevada claim is flat with wash outs going through it. A dirt road also goes through it making it easy to get to. The wash outs cut through the road so a truck would be the best to use. No water on claim so you have to take your own. The elevation is 4200ft give or take a hundred feet.
Bruce Onyon Greenhorn Posts: 
10 Oct 2016 08:42 AM |
I am in Baker City Oregon looking for non patent claims? Also looking in Colorado?
EDMOND WHITE JR Greenhorn Posts:20 
10 Oct 2016 05:31 PM |
Both the Nevada and Oregon is unpatented
Joshua Jackson Greenhorn Posts:2 
15 Oct 2016 12:52 PM |
Thanks Edmond, I would love to look at it from Goggle Earth. Can you send me the coordinates? The Nevada claim.